Alliance students to visit homeworlds
February 24th, 2011

A group of 70 high school students from across Alliance space have been selected for week long visits to Palaven, Thessia, and Sur’Kesh. The students, selected on the basis of academic performance, written essays, and face to face interviews, will be the first group to take part in the “Allied Races Exploration Program,” which was recently started by the Grissom Academy.

The program is meant to expose student leaders from throughout the Alliance to political leaders and influential thinkers in key allied governments. The students will be attending lectures by foreign leaders in politics, government, religion, and business, and will occasionally break off into small groups to participate in private question and answer sessions. Said Samantha Lewis, the head of the program: “Cooperation with key allies is going to be vital for the future of the Systems Alliance. This program gives our future leaders the chance to be exposed to, and understand, the differing viewpoints of others in the galaxy.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Alliance Beacon, Grissom Academy, Palaven, Samantha Lewis, Sur'Kesh, Systems Alliance, Thessia
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