Alliance MP to wed asari
March 4th, 2011

Jeffords Pallone, a member of the Systems Alliance Parliament, announced today that he will be marrying Glada T’Dami at a ceremony on Elysium. Pallone, a senior member of the Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, has represented Elysium for the past 15 years. He confirmed that he and T’Dami, a professor of comparative politics at Arcturus College, have been seeing each other for the past five years.

Reaction in Parliament has been mixed. MP Leslie Wu, chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed her well wishes for the couple, stating that “everyone has to find love where they can.” However, Matthew Auberger, a Terra Firma MP who also serves with Pallone on the Foreign Affairs Committee, issued a blistering statement in which he called for Pallone to give up his committee assignment: “Jeffords Pallone has demonstrated today that he has divided loyalties. He cannot be trusted to make decisions that are in the best interests of the Alliance, so he should not be in a position to oversee Alliance foreign policy.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Arcturus Station, Jeffords Pallone, Systems Alliance