Evidence supporting pre-Prothean relays continues to mount
March 22nd, 2011

Evidence continues to mount that the system of mass relays attributed to the Protheans predate their civilization. Dr. Aurana T’Meles of the University of Serrice, a one-time skeptic of the claim, now says she’s a convert. “This team has been meticulous in dating relays from many locations,” she says in her findings. “It is not their responsibility to hypothesize who created the relays, only to isolate the eras of their construction.” Such hypotheses abound and usually feature disappeared species like the arthenn or zeioph. Nearly all have been ruled out since they did not coexist with the oldest of the relays. Dr. Amanda Kenson, team lead for the initial discovery, could not be reached for comment at broadcast time.

Tags: Amanda Kenson, Aurana T'Meles, Dr. Amanda Kenson, University of Serrice