Systems Alliance reverses stance on turian dreadnought construction
March 28th, 2011

In a surprise move, respected Systems Alliance admiral, Steven Hackett, testified today before the Citadel Council that the Joint Chiefs of the Alliance have relaxed their attitude toward the increased construction of turian dreadnoughts. “The Alliance is behind our councilor one hundred percent,” the admiral said, a significant departure from the Chiefs’ protests of the past. “Having recently conducted significant joint operation exercises with the turians, as well as smaller efforts with salarians and asari, the Alliance Navy feels the threats of the 22nd and 23rd centuries [Earth standard] will be external to the signatories of the Treaty of Farixen.” Batarian ambassador Nel’Tarras Tilshan reacted vehemently. “The humans appear to be falling into a bloody-minded course, and we hope they turn back. Dreadnoughts are not for peacekeeping, they are for devastating planets! Hackett now sides with those who are a direct threat to the batarian people.”

Tags: Admiral Hackett, Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Councils, Nel'Tarras Tilshan, Steven Hackett, Systems Alliance, turian, Turian Hierarchy
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