Salarians celebrate Dalatrass Day
March 31st, 2011

Today is Dalatrass day, and salarians across the galaxy are celebrating and reconnecting with their mothers. Flower, candy, and jewelry retailers in salarian space are posting record sales. SE&C, the largest Union extranet access company, reported increasing its available voice and video bandwidth by 38% in anticipation of today’s flood of vidcalls and e-mails back to the salarian homeworlds. Most salarians who can make it home today spend a quiet evening with their dalatrasses and siblings. But a very special honor is reserved by the Salarian Union for the oldest surviving Dalatrass. 51-year old Ciffina Su’ntun, who lives in a nursing home on Jaëto and has held this title for the last three years, celebrated the day at a party organized by her 442 children, over one thousand grandchildren, and now 62 great-grandchildren, all of whom she knows by name. Ciffina attributes her longevity and good memory to daily exercise, frequent meditation, and a glass of ruxxia -– a salarian liquor -– every night before bed.

Tags: Ciffina Su'ntun, Dalatrass Day, salarians