Turian colony prepares for incoming hurricane
April 4th, 2011
The capital of the turian colony of Eltayen in the Pikk system is battening down for an approaching hurricane tonight, following a software failure of the colony’s weather control grid. The grid, a standard system using microburst mass fields coordinated by sophisticated VI modelling to defuse severe weather conditions in their formative stages, raised the alarm four local days ago, when self-diagnostic routines identified air pressure variations outside modelled parameters. Following the findings of a technical survey team, the Eltayen government took the decision to enact a controlled temporary shut-down of the system until its predictive models could be brought back into alignment with observed meteorological data. Unfortunately, the eighteen hour shut-down process was too late to prevent the formation of a hurricane cell from the grid’s earlier erroneous adjustments. Contingency plans laid down prior to the grid’s installation have been activated, and at present the emergency is not expected to be life-threatening, however a substantial toll in property damage and loss of food crops seems likely.
Tags: Eltayren