Survey crew discovers sleeper ship
April 6th, 2011

Survey crews from the Yarnell-Wycliff Independent Mining Corporation recently discovered the Stardust, an XL-82 class sleeper ship that was declared lost in 2072. The XL-82 class of ships were produced in the 2070s, for a series of unity exploration efforts involving the United States, European, Indian, and Chinese space agencies. They were designed for “long range” exploration and science missions to the outer fringes of Sol.

The Yarnell-Wycliff crew discovered the Stardust while running surveys in Sol’s asteroid belt. Upon boarding, they discovered that all systems had failed over a century ago, and that the crew had died while in cryogenic freeze. Investigation is ongoing, but preliminary results seem to indicate that the systems failure may have originated from a hull breach that occurred at some point during the ship’s journey.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: earth, Stardust, XL-82, Yarnell-Wycliff