Wine gains ground in Salarian Union
April 9th, 2011

In a surprising trend, exports of wine are gaining major ground within the Salarian Union. The Alliance Business Report notes that salarians have taken to the human drink because of its similarity to “coort,’ a traditional drink for many salarian holidays and ceremonies, including the ritual meal held immediately following mating practices. Salarian consumers reportedly prefer wine over coort because it lacks coort’s extremely bitter aftertaste, and sales of wine skyrocketed last year after it was endorsed as a substitute by several salarian religious leaders.

Vineyards within the Alliance are reportedly enjoying record profits, and many have made plans to expand their operations. However, they may eventually have competition within the Salarian Union, as several salarian businessmen and corporations are exploring the possibility of opening their own wine vineyards on Mannovai and Rannadril.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: coort, Mannovai, Rannadril, Salarian Union, Systems Alliance, wine
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