Systems Alliance introduces restrictions on private militias
April 11th, 2011

The rising influence of Terra Firma, Cerberus, and other politically motivated groups has made private militias a matter of concern for the Alliance, culminating in a standoff earlier this year between militia and local law enforcement over a murder trial involving a turian. Today the Systems Alliance Parliament implemented severe restrictions on the ability of unsanctioned citizens militia groups to operate in Alliance space.

Protests by various militia groups have already started, with the Galactic Weapons Alliance (GWA) leading the charge. They claim that the new legislation infringes on rights guaranteed to the colonists in the Alliance Charter, and that restricting their ability to organize effectively puts them at risk to pirates and worse. A spokesperson for MP Larry Hawthorne, who spearheaded the bill, says that the law does not prevent the colonists from organizing for the purposes of defense, it only requires that such groups to “obtain approval to operate” by the Alliance.

Tags: cerberus, Galactic Weapons Alliance, Larry Hawthorne, Terra Firma
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