Manswell Colonist search moves to Zakera Ward
April 14th, 2011

Sources within Citadel Security report that new evidence has caused C-Sec to focus their search for Jerome Hennison on Zakera Ward. Zakera residents report seeing C-Sec officers canvassing shopping and warehouse districts, and reports indicate that C-Sec detective Gary Vitali, who is leading the search, has been seen talking to warehouse district workers.

Neither C-Sec nor Detective Vitali would issue an official statement on whether or not any new leads have been obtained. Detective Vitali, however, repeated C-Sec’s request that anyone with information on Mr. Hennison’s whereabouts come forward. “In a case like this, time can mean everything,” Vitali said. “If you have any information, if you even think you have any information, please come forward. It’s better for us to have it now than when it’s too late.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Jerome Hennison, Manswell Colony, Zakera Ward
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