Aspire Unlimited launches skin-dye products for humans
April 16th, 2011

Aspire Unlimited Ltd., a small Citadel-based cosmetics research and distributor, announced their new line of skin-dying and exfoliating products for human consumers today. “We have provided exotic beautifying agents for fellow asari and the occasional curious turian for centuries,” quoted an Aspire representative at their promotional media launch within the Flux. “We feel that it only makes sense to broaden our message about the importance of outer beauty to others–especially to the ‘others’ that could use it the most.” Via the simple use of ointments and washes, a “wide catalog” of skin tones can be achieved that naturally wear off in a day leaving the skin firm and rejuvenated.

“I think it’ll be super interesting to try something new,” stated 21-year old Amanda Ganadan excitedly at the event. “I mean, at least it smells good. And it’s not like it’ll kill me to be purple for a day, or anything. Plus I’d look just like Unara T’Zeli!” Colors available at the launch of Aspire’s new line include Indignant Indigo, Busy Byzantium, Very Violet, Fanny Fandango, Mangy Magenta, and Purple.

[via Citadel News]

Tags: Amanda Ganadan, Aspire Unlimited, Unara T'Zeli
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