Citadel Council involved in Hennison Case
April 20th, 2011

Reports from sources that work with the Citadel Council indicate that the Council has become involved with the case of Jerome Hennison. Hennison was seen reporting to a closed meeting with the Council earlier today, along with C-Sec Detective Gary Vitali. Reports indicate that Mira D’Rana, the asari Spectre, also attended the meeting.

This news follows reports from Zakera Ward that the sealed off warehouse where Hennison was rescued has seen a lot of activity. Several members of what appeared to be a science team entered the building late yesterday. They were reportedly followed by Detective Vitali, C-Sec Captain Armando-Owen Bailey, and Spectre D’Rana. Mr. Hennison himself has not been available for comment, and C-Sec reports that he is currently in protective custody.

Tags: Jerome Hennison, Manswell Colony, Mira D'Rana
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