Controversy erupts around documentary “Mass Defect”
April 21st, 2011
While the film Mass Defect, by well-known and controversial director Aureus Talarin, always had its fair share of criticism, recently released analysis of the film from an infamous extranet forum suggests that the film vastly exaggerated the poor conditions of element zero miners. Several posters checked the positions of stars from the vid’s various shooting locations, and found that most of the mining outposts shown — purported to be within Citadel space and operated by major energy companies — were in fact located in the Terminus Systems. Despite follow-ups by several mainstream media outlets confirming the board’s findings, Talarin maintains that the film is completely accurate in its depiction of the mining industry. Moviegoers were less convinced however, as box office sales tapered off rapidly and aggregate reviews dropped by 18%.
Tags: Aureus Talarin, Mass Defect, Terminus Systems
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