Alliance scientist criticized for speech
April 22nd, 2011

Dr. Matthew Brooks, a noted Alliance scientist and expert on artificial intelligence, is under criticism for a speech he gave at today’s University of Armstrong commencement ceremony. Speaking to the graduating class of 2186, Dr. Brooks praised the quarians for creating the geth and Cerberus for their experiments with biotics. He continued by saying that, “The real mistake is backing away from important research when a few things go wrong. All sentient beings stand at a point where it is possible for us to become gods. We should embrace that destiny, not run from it.”

Dr. Brooks went on to advocate eliminating restrictions on research into artificial intelligence and genetic engineering. Reaction among graduating students was overwhelmingly negative, with some leaving the ceremony before Dr. Brooks finished speaking. Nyala Thysis, who graduated with a master’s degree in mass effect field physics, said, “It is a pity that Dr. Brooks is incapable of learning from the mistakes of the past.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: cerberus, geth, Matthew Brooks, Nyala Thysis, quarians
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