Missing drell agent found, petitions Alliance for asylum
May 3rd, 2011
Manaan Sricos, a top drell diplomatic security agent, resurfaced today in Milgrom on the Alliance colony of Bekenstein, after petitioning a court there for political asylum under Alliance law. Reporting missing last week from his duty station at the hanar embassy on the Citadel, Sricos and his lawyers released a statement after his court appearance claiming to have been physically and mentally abused during his service to the hanar, both by hanar as a child and by his drell superiors as an adult. According to court papers, Sricos is asking for asylum under the Alliance Immigration and Refugee Act, alleging that the compacts under which drell serve hanar is a form of slavery. In his statement, Sricos states that his parents put him under compact to drell in exchange for the hanar’s promise to treat his father’s Kepral’s syndrome, which he claims the hanar did not do. Sricos also alleges that compacted drell who are recaptured after escaping are tortured and subjected to mind-altering drugs and medical procedures, and that he would face the same fate if he were returned to hanar space. A hanar spokesman, speaking on condition of anonymity, called the allegations “baseless” but would not comment on specifics.
Tags: Bekenstein, Manaan Sricos, Milgrom, Systems Alliance
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