Batarian slaver killed in attempted raid
May 6th, 2011
Notorious batarian slaver Arok Geshal is dead after a slaving operation ended badly. Geshal attacked what seemed to be a civilian transport discharging its drive into the magnetic field of the gas giant Endir IX. However, when attempting to board the vessel, Geshal discovered the ship was actually carrying over 50 Blood Pack mercenaries. According to Vorek, the krogan commander of the mercenaries in question, “Geshal was expecting a soft target, but when his troops opened the door, they came face to face with a Blood Pack boom squad. I imagine they were rather surprised, assuming they had time to react before being blown to pieces.”
An Alliance spokesperson confirmed that the Blood Pack had been awarded the 4 million credit bounty the Alliance had placed on Geshal’s head, which Vorek apparently delivered to Mindoir, the nearest human colony to Endir.
Tags: Arok Geshal, Blood Pack, Endir IX