Citadel official leaks information on Hennison Case
May 7th, 2011

An anonymous official within the Citadel defense establishment has talked to Alliance Beacon reporters about the events surrounding the disappearance and rescue of Jerome Hennison. According to the official, the mercenaries that kidnapped Mr. Hennison had been hired by an organization running the now destroyed science base in the Okara System. The organization, which the official did not name, wanted Hennison for a series of genetic tests and experiments.

According to the Citadel official, Mr. Hennison exhibits several genetic traits that no longer occur naturally in humans, and was sought for experimentation for that reason. The ultimate purposes of those experiments, or the nature of the group that intended to conduct them, have not been revealed. Mr. Hennison, meanwhile, is still in protective custody and has been relocated to an undisclosed location.

Tags: Jerome Hennison, Manswell Colony