Elkoss Combine brings trade dispute against L6 Consortium
May 15th, 2011

Yesterday, a group of companies led by the Irune-based Elkoss Combine filed for an interdiction order against the L6 Consortium with the Citadel Trade and Intellectual Property Organization. The filing, on behalf of Elkoss, as well as the Palaven-based Armax Arsenal and Aegohr-based Union Technologies Group, allege that the L6 Consortium was a conspiracy to corner the market for next-generation biotic implants. Elkoss was hoping to enter the implant market with this generation of implants; they claim they repeatedly asked to join the L6 Consortium and offered to assume nearly half of the projected cost of development while offering the Consortium several of its implant-related patents. After being rebuffed, Elkoss partnered with turian and salarian companies to develop a rival implant. Elkoss further claims the Consortium infringed on Elkoss’s implant patents revealed in negotiations with the Consortium, and used those patents to get its own implant to market first.

Combine CEO Vonar Osk, in a written statement, said “Our company has been wronged. The humans and asari sought to cheat us out of our money and our property, and we trust that the Citadel’s courts will see through this deception and force open their closed market.” Elkoss’ proposed order would require the Consortium to surrender the L6 implant’s design schematics and pay Elkoss royalties for using its infringed patents. Elkoss stock jumped 11 credits per share on news of the dispute. L6 Consortium representatives could not be reached by press time.

[via Ars Biotica]

Tags: Ars Biotica, Elkoss Combine, L6 Consortium, Vonar Osk