MP Auberger resigns from Parliament
June 8th, 2011
Alliance MP Matthew Auberger, a former member of the Terra Firma Party, announced his resignation from the Systems Alliance Parliament today. In a rambling, 38 minute speech, a visibly angry Auberger accused his political enemies of causing his downfall. “The administration of Prime Minister Shastri is the most corrupt the Alliance has ever seen,” Auberger stated. “My willingness to stand up for humanity, to denounce unwise and unfair relationships with alien powers, caused them too many problems. So they opted to destroy me by leaking information from an ongoing ABI investigation.”
Auberger’s former allies in the Terra Firma Party applauded his resignation, with one calling it “overdue.” Connie Madore, a Terra Firma MP from Earth, stated that “the Alliance Parliament, and Terra Firma, can now move on to more important issues.” Auberger’s seat will remain vacant until Bekenstein can hold a special election to fill it. The governor of Bekenstein has not yet issued a statement, but it is widely expected that any such special election will be sometime within the next three months.
[via Alliance Beacon]
Tags: Connie Madore, Matthew Auberger, Systems Alliance, Terra Firma