Archeologists access Kal’Ala databases
June 12th, 2011

Dr. Telea N’Vir reports that her team has accessed some of the databases on the dead colony in the Kal’Ala system. She confirmed that the colonists arrived on the planet via sleeper ship. She explained that they arrived “between 1500-2000 years ago,” and that they fled their home system because its sun had become unstable.

The team has also been exploring the colony’s vast underground network, which they estimate was inhabited for nearly 75 years. Included in the network were living quarters, resource mining operations, and basic manufacturing plants. Evidence has emerged that the colonists may also have been in the early stages of assembling a primitive terraforming program for their new world. Attempts at piecing together the colony’s final days, however, indicate that it fell victim to a plague that spread rapidly and left all inhabitants dead.

Tags: Kal'Ala System
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