Chamber contains Kal’Alite DNA
July 5th, 2011
The team examining the Kal’Ala IV DNA chamber has made a startling discovery: The chamber contains not only thousands of samples from plants and animals, but also DNA from the Kal’Alites themselves. Examination has discovered nearly 4000 unique Kal’Alite DNA samples, each of which is perfectly preserved.
In a statement, Dr. Telea N’Vir said that the find has caused the team to reevaluate their theory on the chamber. “We still think that the plants and animals were likely intended for terraforming,” Dr. N’Vir said. “But the Kal’Alite DNA indicates that they may have also intended the chamber to guarantee the survival of their own species. Perhaps by cloning prominent artists, scientists, and thinkers who were unable to leave their homeworld.”
Tags: Dr. Telea N'Vir, Kal'Ala IV, Kal'Ala System, Telea N'Vir