Band Kicks off Reunion Tour
July 23rd, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks kicked off a 10 planet reunion tour last evening, with a concert at the Nos Astra Performing Arts Complex, on Illium. The concert was a smash success, with the audience going wild when the Pyjacks performed “Flower of Tuchanka” for the first time since breaking up in 2166. The band insists that the reunion is temporary, but fans on Illium wanted them to reconsider: Throughout the evening, members of the audience chanted for a permanent comeback. “The Screaming Pyjacks are the best band I’ve ever heard,” said Telea Delear, an asari youth. “Even after 20 years, they’re all I listen to.”

Tags: Flower of Tuchanka, Illium, Nos Astra, Telea Delear, The Screaming Pyjacks