CDEM attack encounters resistance
September 19th, 2011

The Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission launched an attack against Clan Torak, today, only to encounter unexpected resistance. After Torak again refused demands to allow CDEM access to their ancestral capital, the CDEM launched airborne strikes and artillery barrages against Torak positions. CDEM forces were shocked, however, when Torak personnel in and around the capital turned out to be armed with advanced surface to air missiles, as well as several heavy weapons. Four CDEM aircraft were downed, with their pilots confirmed dead. Several other CDEM aircraft were severely damaged. The CDEM has reported that it does not currently know how Clan Torak gained access to prohibited weapons, but it is expected that they will respond to this development with extreme prejudice.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
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