Torak protests spark fight
October 4th, 2011

Peace activists on the Citadel held new protests against the CDEM operation at Clan Torak, today. The protests were larger than previous events, and occured on the Presidium and in each of the wards. However, the Zakera Ward protests turned violent, after a group of counter protesters arrived and began hurling rotten fruit at peace demonstrators. The incident quickly escalated into a full scale brawl that required C-Sec intervention. At least 23 people have been arrested, a number of whom are CDEM veterans who wanted to show their displeasure with peace protests. “These protesters owe their freedom to the CDEM,” said one. “If they like the krogan so much, they should go live with them. Let them see what happens when they try to protest on Tuchanka.”

Tags: CDEM, citadel, Clan Torak, Zakera Ward
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