Torak tunnel fighting continues
October 12th, 2011

Underground fighting at Clan Torak continues, with the CDEM reporting heavy casualties and harsh conditions. Reports indicate that the krogan combatants are heavily armed, and that the tunnel system is massive, with an untold number of turns and fortified chambers. As the CDEM continues to send waves of troops underground, Torak Ral has released an extranet video in which he plays on the sympathy of the other clans, and calls on them to “follow me into battle against off world scum.” Although the CDEM has reported a few minor incidents elsewhere on Tuchanka, Ral seems to be gaining little sympathy. “Torak Ral always was soft in the head,” said one clan leader. “No one here is going to pick a fight with the CDEM just for him.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Torak Ral, tuchanka
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