Prime Minister visits wards
October 14th, 2011
Following days of diplomatic talks, Prime Minister Amul Shastri spent his last day on the Citadel visiting Zakera, Kithoi, and Tayseri Wards, where he talked with residents, visited several orphanages and homeless shelters, and sampled several restaurants and shops. The excursion was responsible for tying up aircar and pedestrian traffic for hours. Though most residents seemed happy with the visits, the Prime Minister has been criticized by some Wards residents and politicians for causing delays, and for the overly strict security precautions taken by C-Sec and the Prime Minister’s MoJ bodyguards. Tala Zefgron, a Tayseri Ward resident, said, “I was three hours late to work today, and I had to submit to a security scan four times. All because some politician wanted to play tourist. I’m glad he’s going back to Alliance space in the morning.”
[via Alliance Beacon]
Tags: Amul Shastri, citadel, Kithoi Ward, Systems Alliance, Tayseri Ward, Zakera Ward
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