Conference discusses missing colonies
October 28th, 2011
Contentious debate on the fate of missing Alliance colonies—and the objectives of those attacking them—was the centerpiece of today’s conference on threats to humanity and sapient life. Renowned salarian xenostrategist Iorit Marsal caused a stir when he attributed the attacks to criminal groups, and claimed the Alliance has “overextended their military capabilities, and now complains like a child that has eaten too much candy.” Other witnesses, like retired Alliance Admiral Jacques D’Allaire, saw things differently. Admiral D’Allaire noted that the attackers appeared to bypass nearby, less well-defended colonies of other species. “What keeps me up at night is how damned thorough these attackers were,” D’Allaire said; “Every last colonist missing and presumed dead. Slavers are cowards and opportunists. Batarians are in it for bragging rights. These attackers apparently care about neither. We don’t know what they want, and that makes them a threat.”
[via Galactic Policy Magazine]
Tags: Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, earth, Systems Alliance