Shuttle accident caused by VI error
November 8th, 2011

The Salarian Union reports that the deaths of 8 STG trainees were caused by a shuttle VI processing error. The news has caused turmoil within the Citadel defense establishment, as the salarian military has grounded its entire fleet of Sur’Karha class light assault shuttles. “Each Sur’Karha assault shuttle has the same design as the one that killed our trainees,” said a Salarian Union representative. “Each also has the same VI program. We are continuing to investigate this matter, but until we have a better idea of what risks they might pose, our Sur’Karha class shuttles are grounded.” The Council reports that human, asari, and turian forces are being asked to fill in for critical missions the salarians are temporarily incapable of performing.

Tags: Citadel Council, Salarian Union, STG, Sur'Karha class light assault shuttle