Athletes criticize Biotic Games tradition
December 19th, 2011
Controversy has come to the Biotic Games, today. Despite basking in the afterglow of victories by Viktor Kohl and Zhao Chi, several human athletes staged a short protest, during which they presented a formal complaint against long standing Biotic Games tradition. The complaint, which has been co-signed by two turian athletes, as well as several salarians and the elcor athlete Petalaz, claims that holding the competition once a century unfairly benefits the asari, as their athletes are, for the most part, the only ones who have a chance to gain experience at multiple Biotic Games. The Biotic Games Commission has taken a neutral stance, and promised to “consider” the complaint. However, Shi’Tala holder Neleena T’Mesai was less diplomatic. “This is asari tradition. The others are only invited out of good faith,” a visibly angry T’Mesai told reporters. “If they have a problem, let them compete in the the humans’ so-called ‘Olympics.’ I understand they’ve added a few trifling biotic events.”
Tags: Biotic Games, Neleena T'Mesai, Petalaz
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