Turian cruiser recovers Earth probe
January 10th, 2012
A probe from the early days of Earth’s space exploration has been recovered. Launched in 2041 by the former National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States, this probe operated under the SETI program (search for extra-terrestrial intelligence). Its mission was to present knowledge of earth and its location within the Milky Way galaxy by broadcasting a constant radio beacon. NASA lost contact with the probe in 2054, after an unknown malfunction. The beacon itself was undamaged and continued to broadcast until its discovery by the turian cruiser Olrana, upon exiting the the de’haka system’s mass relay. At the time of the probe’s launch, the relay was 20,000 light years from earth, and authorities have offered no explanation for how the probe turned up so far away from Sol. The captain of the Olrana had only this to say: “The fate of the Systems Alliance might have been very different had this probe been discovered just three decades ago.”
Tags: earth, NASA, SETI, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy