Turian sues over Fishdog mishap
January 27th, 2012

Brattus Torrik is suing Elkoss Combine over an incident at a Fishdog Food Factory restaurant. Mr. Torrik, a traveling insurance salesman, was briefly hospitalized after eating at a Fishdog location on the Citadel’s Zakera Ward. He claims that he accidentally sampled levo food from a tray near the dextro buffet. Elkoss admits that an overworked employee did inadvertently leave a levo tray near the dextro buffet, but claims that they are not liable for the incident. “The tray was clearly marked as appropriate for only levo races” said Cal Dimot, an Elkoss lawyer. “Furthermore, not only are all levo and dextro trays clearly labeled, but they are also differently colored. Mr. Torrik has only himself to blame for his hospitalization, and we plan to fight this lawsuit to the bitter end.”

Tags: Brattus Torrik, Cal Dimot, Elkoss Combine, Fishdog Food Factory