Intai’Sei gunman not competent to stand trial
February 2nd, 2012
Intai’Sei Colonial Court judge Deonte Kon ruled yesterday that Darren Painter, accused of murdering two colonial police officers and the daughter of Councilor Korat Udorn, is incapable of understanding the charges against him and cannot stand trial. Painter has been undergoing psychiatric evaluation at an undisclosed Alliance facility since his initial hearing. Records released by his attorneys state that Painter has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. Despite treatment with powerful anti-psychotic medications, Painter has assaulted facility staff, filled journals with unintelligible rants, and was recently placed on suicide watch. Judge Kon ordered Painter indefinitely committed to the secure facility, subject to periodic review of his mental state. Judge Kon also ordered all evidence and testimony in the case preserved so that it can be used in a future trial if Painter’s condition ever improves.
[Via the Thoreau Republic]
Tags: Darren Painter, Deonte Kon, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Systems Alliance
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