Jana Synesrix concert ends in riot at ExByArc
February 10th, 2012
Turian singer/songwriter Jana Synesrix’s performance at ExByArc ended with controversy and police sirens last night. Synesrix, a native of the separatist-leaning Galatana colony and an outspoken separatist supporter, burst onto the galactic scene in 2184 after serving a six year stint in a Hierarchy prison. During her concert at the Orpheum concert hall, Synesrix repeatedly attacked the Hierarchy for “militarism” and accused it of sapient rights violations, culminating with her song “The Judgment Stone” about the 2140 Ciraciian Massacre on Galatana. Leaving with the crowd in an uproar, Synesrix returned with an encore – a cover of an early 20th Century human showtune, “Pirate Jenny,” a graphic tale about a young hotel maid’s murderous revenge on an abusive town with the help of a pirate gang and their “Black Freighter.” Synesrix ended the song saying, “And all you Hierarchy beasts, the Black Freighter’s coming for you too.” Chaos ensued; approximately 40 turian concertgoers were arrested by Scott City Police for inciting a riot after they rushed the stage, and Synesrix herself was escorted from the hall under heavy guard. Synesrix’s publicist has refused to comment.
[via Alt.Galaxy.Music]
Tags: ExByArc, Jana Synesrix, Orpheum concert hall, Scott City, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy
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