June 26th, 2010
Turian soldiers of the hastatim, assigned to crush civilian resistance on Taetrus, are the first to argue that the hastatim are not death squads. “Our purpose is to transport people to the safe camps,” insists a sergeant who asked not to be identified. “We’re not the ones making the decision to fight — they are.” In order to facilitate that goal, hastatim members are trained in foreign languages to supplement translators and are issued combat ambulances to transport those who cannot transport themselves. But the soldiers are also the first to admit that they have an image problem. “The burial units are tough to look at, and the cremator smell gets to you,” said a corporal, also asking not to be named. “But that’s just one aspect. These people have been warned. All that’s left are shooters and looters.”
Tags: hastatim, Taetrus
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