
Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 26th, 2010

Turian soldiers of the hastatim, assigned to crush civilian resistance on Taetrus, are the first to argue that the hastatim are not death squads. “Our purpose is to transport people to the safe camps,” insists a sergeant who asked not to be identified. “We’re not the ones making the decision to fight — they are.” In order to facilitate that goal, hastatim members are trained in foreign languages to supplement translators and are issued combat ambulances to transport those who cannot transport themselves. But the soldiers are also the first to admit that they have an image problem. “The burial units are tough to look at, and the cremator smell gets to you,” said a corporal, also asking not to be named. “But that’s just one aspect. These people have been warned. All that’s left are shooters and looters.”

Tags: hastatim, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 16 Comments »


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June 25th, 2010

It was a star-studded night in New York City as the long-awaited space epic Nekyia Corridor held its premiere at the Royal SimulCinema 189 in the East Village. Light & Shadow Pictures spared no expense as the red carpet took the haute couture along a bridge of carbon nanotubes over an eerie pit of holographic ghosts. A-listers were everywhere, from Ace Skidmore to Symon Eldfell. Even Lisa Ford stopped by — the Speaker’s district was home to 11 of the sound stages used in the film. Leading lady Kate First was on hand with her life partner Elyina Renezia; lightning-rod-leading man Nathan Gold made only a video appearance, as he was on Thessia for the simultaneous Usaru premiere. Director Morgan Bierster commented: “We’re excited and exhausted. The sim’s been getting fabulous buzz in the pirate community, and it’s great to be here and give the glitterati their turn. We’ve got four hours to go, and then we’ll know if I should cut my wrists or not.”

Tags: Ace Skidmore, Elyina Renezia, Kate First, Light & Shadow Pictures, Morgan Bierster, nathan gold, nekyia corridor, New York City, Royal SimulCinema 189, Symon Eldfell
Posted in Official News | 16 Comments »


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June 24th, 2010

Unsung Holdings (CSE: UMH) announced today that it has completed the buyout of Sonax Industries in a friendly takeover. Unsung will provide approximately 119 billion credits in debt and equity financing for the purchase of the company and future funding commitments. The move is expected to significantly boost Sonax’s share price, which has been falling precipitously after perceived missteps in the war on Garvug. Asked if new management will result in a change of direction on that planet, CEO Iseul Rhee replied, “We have conferred with Admiral Speight and see great potential in Garvug. The infrastructure of the occupied areas is unharmed and is beginning to turn a profit. The correct move is not to withdraw, but to commit fully to establishing a permanent peace zone on the planet.”

Tags: Admiral Speight, Garvug, Iseul Rhee, Sonax Industries, Unsung Holdings
Posted in Official News | 29 Comments »


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June 23rd, 2010

A disturbing find on Taetrus this week reminded colonialist troops of the consequences of failure. Army units seized a house in the Diluvian city of Madra; in a work shed, they discovered two improvised FTL plotters in the late stages of weaponization. The shed belonged to Ulrixen Ravidus, a suspected Facinus supporter. Described as having “few skills in the astrophysics department,” authorities believe Ravidus may have harbored Vamire Squaron, the pilot who allegedly launched the hypervelocity craft that caused the Vallum Blast. Further evidence in Ravidus’ residence suggests that Facinus tried to use a ship as a weapon on military targets in the early stages of the Diluvian invasion, but the vessel was shot down by colonialist forces as they began to establish air and space supremacy.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Madra, Taetrus, Ulrixen Ravidus, Vallum, Vallum Blast, Vamire Squaron
Posted in Official News | 22 Comments »


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June 22nd, 2010

Tonight: Is the colonialist strategy on Taetrus working? The killing of civilians in Earth wars usually serves only to stiffen popular resistance, but Earth wars rarely offer such a stark contrast between safe captivity and death. “The dual approach is necessary,” says Lieutenant Colonel Satorim of the 3rd Infantry. “Without the camps, no one would ever surrender. Without the hastatim, we would be here for years and still get shot at.” Some surrendering citizens have even collaborated with their captors. “Our most valuable intel comes from sympathizers,” says Satorim. “After seeing the Vallum Blast, they know what the separatists want and think it abhorrent. They’d rather be counted as patriots.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, hastatim, Lieutenant Colonel Satorim, Taetrus


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 20th, 2010

The weekend box office is down 17% from this time last year — industry insiders blame the constant coverage of the war on Taetrus as competing mindshare. Still, Greek-versus-god actioner Diomedes speared 1.52 billion credits, holding steady from last weekend’s 1.61 billion take; Call Me Sally opened at 1.33 billion, proving that painting an undercover asari Spectre in human makeup is still good fish-out-of-water comedy; historical drama Farixen cruised in at third with 928 million, a reasonable profit for the low-budget sim; rounding out the bottom of the charts is the art-house-release fourth-wall-breaker Rodin vs Metagodzilla, which carved out 751 million. Milk Sheik and Make It Look Real survived for a fourth week with 748 and 655 million, respectively.

(All numbers independently confirmed by entertainmentfact.com)

Tags: Call Me Sally, Diomedes, Farixen, Make It Look Real, Make It Look Real: The Lili T'Nigus Story, Milk Sheik, Rodin vs Metagodzilla
Posted in Official News | 52 Comments »


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June 20th, 2010

Today on Taetrus, General Partinax took time out from his usual press conference to address what colonialists are calling “misconceptions” about the Hierarchy’s role on the planet. “There are persistent rumors that we are nationalizing businesses of the dead in order to pay for the war,” he said. “That is simply untrue. What we want is the population coming to the safe camps, surviving the war, going about their business, and paying their taxes. The deaths are of those that give us armed resistance.” Asked if he knew that the Diluvian Wildlands had iridium deposits, he said, “All colonies have natural resources, but economics are only one element of war, not a sole cause. We are here because we were attacked. End of message.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 27 Comments »


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June 18th, 2010

An epidemic of poisonings on Taetrus raises a question for the occupying colonialist forces: Are the so-called “safe camps” for surrendering civilians really safe? Hidden cameras in the Dedaris stadium-camp reveal high tensions among the occupants, as well as thefts, drug abuse, and sexual assaults. Colonel Partainis, the camp’s commanding officer, took the media’s questions seriously: “We suspect the poisoning incident was an indiscriminate revenge killing. We’ve seized a new food supply — a louza [poultry] slaughterhouse — just to be sure. As for individual crimes, we are not here to rehabilitate anyone. We provide an environment that is safer than the combat theater. That is all.” An occupant, who asked not to be named, says he prefers it here. “It’s spit soup three meals a day, but I’ve got so many medical problems … I wouldn’t last an hour outside. That doesn’t make me a traitor.”

Tags: Colonel Partainis, Dedaris, louza, Taetrus, Vallum


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June 17th, 2010

A new development in the death of human journalist Grant Keyes has exemplified the differences between turian and human cultures. Sergeant Sanus Iheras — the commander of the four soldiers who pulled the journalist and his camerawoman over and was allegedly responsible for their deaths — has apparently committed suicide. He was found this morning with a fatal gunshot wound to the head, presumed to be self-inflicted. Such suicides are common in turian cultures after great transgressions and are seen to expiate family or unit of shame and failure. The act also frequently closes any judicial matter or investigation into the deceased and their actions. Asked if this brought closure to the case, Keyes’ widow Lara said, “Not at all. I never wanted anyone else to get hurt over this. It’s senseless.”

Tags: Grant Keyes, Lara Keyes, Sanus Iheras, Sergeant Sanus Iheras
Posted in Official News | 28 Comments »


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June 16th, 2010

Commander Lahere Dianix held a press conference today regarding the death of human journalist Grant Keyes on Taetrus. He now says that four soldiers in the Tenth Mechanized Infantry forced the journalist’s car off the road, questioned Keyes, and attempted to arrest him. A scuffle ensued, and the turians’ claws nicked the carotid artery of his camerawoman, Letha Maragos, while restraining her. Keyes became violent and was shot in the leg — both humans were taken into custody where first Maragos and then Keyes died. The turians lacked supplies and human blood or a viable substitute, and could not perform a transfusion. Asked if charges will be brought against the patrol, Dianix replied, “Turians are not as litigious as humans. The matter will be resolved shortly.”

Tags: Commander Lahere Dianix, Grant Keyes, Lahere Dianix, Letha Maragos, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 49 Comments »


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June 15th, 2010

Colonialist forces on Taetrus have announced the capture of the city of Spaedar tonight after several days of fighting. Surrendering citizens are pouring into the safe camps, housing centers built during the city’s initial construction for just such an occasion. These have already been supplied with cots, toilets, antibiotics, food, and medical staff. Meanwhile, gunfire erupted on the streets as citizen snipers tried to stop house-to-house killings by the hastatim, soldiers whose job more or less translates to “execution squads.” The army is keeping close-mouthed about casualty estimates, and underground extranet sites say anywhere from 1,000 to 3,000 people were killed today in Spaedar alone. Even Facinus sympathizers are having trouble calling the resistance a success, but they claim anywhere from 200 to 500 colonial casualties.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, hastatim, Spaedar, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 67 Comments »


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June 14th, 2010

Tonight, the ground war on Taetrus enters a new phase; citizen resistance. Military duty is the turian qualification for citizenship; as such, an invading force expects most turians to resist. The average turian family keeps military-issue small arms in their home, and demolitions training teaches citizens how to create homemade firebombs that can blind a tank or force the crew to abandon it. Earlier today, General Partinax announced the colonialist strategy for suppressing citizen militias: first, they will establish “safe camps” within the cities, a traditional turian tactic that incentivizes surrender; then, the invaders will go house-to-house and shoot virtually everyone who remains as a combatant. “Those are our terms”, Partinax said in the press conference. “There will be no deviation.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Taetrus, turian


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June 13th, 2010

Colonialist forces on Taetrus surrounded the city of Spaedar and met stiff resistance from armor and artillery units as they tried to take the Spaedar Spaceport — the engagement was quickly nicknamed “the naval battle” due to inclement weather that dumped over 25 cm of rain onto the city. The close quarters of Spaedar streets negated many of the colonialist forces’ technological advantages. Tanks, drones, and other combat vehicles hunted one another in the flooded alleys, and spotters hidden in buildings called down missile artillery on colonialist reserves. These were countered with cruise missiles from offshore ships dropping precision munitions, silencing the separatist missile artillery and blacking out wide swaths of the city. The battle is expected to continue through the night as colonialist forces attempt to press their advantage.

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, Taetrus


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 12th, 2010

More questions arise tonight in the death of journalist Grant Keyes. Turian colonialist forces on Taetrus are now claiming Keyes was held for eight days, during which time he refused water. Keyes’ producer at the Future Content Corporation refutes this, saying he was in contact with Keyes just four days ago. Keyes’ camerawoman Letha Maragos is also missing; the pair’s abandoned aircar has been found on an Iratianan street with damage to its top and bottom, indicating the car may have been forced to the ground. Commander Lahere Dianix promised a full investigation, saying, “The acts of my subordinates are my responsibility. If foul play was involved, it will be discovered.”

Tags: Commander Lahere Dianix, Diluvian Wildlands, Grant Keyes, Lahere Dianix, Letha Maragos, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 40 Comments »


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June 11th, 2010

The ground campaign on Taetrus is proceeding with brutal speed as both sides jockey for a strategic advantage. The Diluvians’ advantage lies in their fixed positions, hardened pillboxes two-and-a-half meters thick that are stationed outside area cities. Colonialist armored forces are avoiding these emplacements by sweeping through the marshlands and cutting off the Diluvians’ supplies, hoping to starve them out. The colonialists’ Jiris fighting vehicles have a decisive range advantage in open terrain, as their missiles can hit a target twenty kilometers away before the enemy even sees them. Knowing this, the separatists are taking cover in jungles and city streets, using the terrain to draw their enemy in. As one separatist tank commander put it, “This will not be easy for them. We are not on Garvug.”

Tags: Diluvian Wildlands, Garvug, Taetrus, Vallum


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
June 10th, 2010

Colonialist forces on Taetrus are coming under fire today for allowing a journalist to die in their care. Grant Keyes, a human working for the Future Content Corporation, was detained by colonialist forces when he was caught filming war dead in the city of Iratiana. Commander Lahere Dianix, commander of the destroyer on which Keyes was held, explained that they were unprepared to detain humans. “We didn’t have anything with levo-amino-acids on board,” he says. “He refused even water and died of dehydration.” However, parts of the story raise significant questions: dying of dehydration would likely have taken a week or more, and any doctor checking on Keyes’ condition could have hydrated him intravenously with saline without fear of poisoning the prisoner.

Tags: Commander Lahere Dianix, Facinus, FCC, Future Content Corporation, Grant Keyes, Iratiana, Taetrus
Posted in Official News | 26 Comments »



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После многодневной круглосуточной бомбардировки в Диких землях Дилувиан на Татрусе началось проведение наземных операций. Из-за болотистой местности колониальные силы вынуждены по большей части полагаться на боевую машину пехоты Джирис, судно, способное легко перемещаться по болотам. В настоящий момент ведутся ожесточенные бои на берегах реки Тала, где сепаратисты, укрывшиеся в подлеске, стреляют бронебойными снарядами и по наземным войскам, и по воздушной поддержке, прибывшей для зачистки. Ранее на позиции находились группа биотиков, но они были быстро уничтожены боевыми машинами, которые обошли их с фланга и нанесли удар по площади противопехотными минами. В ответ на вопрос, ожидается ли от наземных операций меньше сопутствующих разрушений, чем от воздушных маневров, Генерал Партинакс ответил только: «Нет».

@темы: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Partinax, Jiris, Taetrus, Talae River



Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
Дилувианские войска Татруса выпустили, по их словам, реальную видеозапись дуэли между генералом Партинаксом и Кихиликсом Танусом. На этой записи видно, что первый выстрел Кихиликса попал в кинетический барьер, окружавший Партинакса, что является прямым нарушением правил. Колониальные силы незамедлительно объявили о цифровой подделке видео и выложили собственную запись, демонстрирующую отверстие, которое оставил в стене промах Кихиликса. В ответ на просьбу прокомментировать это, Партинакс сказал: «Естественно, в рамках военных действий они будут вести пропаганду. Скажу вам, что принимать участие в этой пропаганде радости мало, но с учетом обстоятельств все могло быть намного хуже».

@темы: Diluvian Wildlands, Facinus, General Parinax, Kihilix Tanus, Taetrus



Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
Пиратская видеозапись дуэли между генералом Партинаксом и Кихиликсом Танусом собрала более семисот десяти миллионов просмотров в экстранете. Уже появилось множество пародий, самой популярной из которых стала «Теперь моя с*чка» от Леди Свэт. На сегодняшней пресс-конференции Партинакс отказался отвечать на вопросы о дуэли в знак уважения к мертвым, и сказал только что он разочарован, но не удивлен тем, что смерть Тануса демонстрируется на весь экстранет. Несмотря на то, что в турианском обществе существует табу на демонстрацию погибших на войне, смотреть на это втайне им, похоже, нравится – количество просмотров в турианском пространстве уступает только количеству просмотров среди людей.

@темы: Facinus, General Partinax, Kihilix Tanus, Lady Sweat, My Bitch Now, Taetrus, turian, Vallum, Vallum Blast



Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
Завершилась дуэль между генералом Партинаксом и сепаратистом Фасинуса Кихиликсом Танусом. Сепаратистов подобрали и отвезли в секретное место, где противники потратили немного времени на проверку оружия, после чего зашли в комнату с барьером. С помощью высокоскоростного изображения дуэль была заснята с шести углов, и видеозапись демонстрирует, что ни один из противников не использовал кинетические барьеры. Танус выстрелил примерно на две десятых секунды раньше, но промахнулся. Генерал попал в цель. Выстрел Партинакса сбил Тануса с ног. Он продолжал идти вперед, стреляя до тех пор, пока его пистолет не перегрелся – к этому моменту Танус был уже мертв. Сообщается, что после дуэли пришлось задержать приближенных и охранников Тануса, но дальнейшего кровопролития не последовало. После того, как камеры были выключены, сепаратистов – и тело Тануса – вернули к месту встречи невредимыми.

@темы: Facinus, General Partinax, Kihilix, Taetrus, Tanus, Vallum, Vallum Blast