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June 17th, 2010

A new development in the death of human journalist Grant Keyes has exemplified the differences between turian and human cultures. Sergeant Sanus Iheras — the commander of the four soldiers who pulled the journalist and his camerawoman over and was allegedly responsible for their deaths — has apparently committed suicide. He was found this morning with a fatal gunshot wound to the head, presumed to be self-inflicted. Such suicides are common in turian cultures after great transgressions and are seen to expiate family or unit of shame and failure. The act also frequently closes any judicial matter or investigation into the deceased and their actions. Asked if this brought closure to the case, Keyes’ widow Lara said, “Not at all. I never wanted anyone else to get hurt over this. It’s senseless.”

Tags: Grant Keyes, Lara Keyes, Sanus Iheras, Sergeant Sanus Iheras
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