
Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 13th, 2010

The Sonax board has spoken: after six months of war on the planet Garvug, Sonax Industries’ board of directors voted 6-5 to withdraw troops from the combat theater beginning in thirty galactic standard (35 Earth standard) days. To date, war casualties include 2,586 Sonax troops and 438 contract soldiers. Fielding troops and conducting the war has cost an estimated 21 billion credits, not including revenue lost from destructive acts such as the iridium mine attack just days ago. Within minutes of the announcement, Guanghui Solutions, the war’s other major investor, fired off a press release saying they, too, would withdraw their troops from the planet.

Tags: Garvug, Guanghui Solutions, Sonax Industries


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 12th, 2010

“Security” and “accountability” are the watchwords of Sonax Industries’ quarterly shareholders meeting tonight on Illium. Fearing disruptions or attacks from guerrilla sympathizers, the company tried to keep the meeting location under wraps; however, hundreds of protesters found it, and fences and paramilitary forces are the only thing keeping the crowd back at this hour. The course of the war on Garvug could change tonight, as the board of directors is expected to meet shortly after the shareholders vote on company direction.

Tags: Garvug, Illium, Sonax Industries
Posted in Official News | 21 Comments »


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September 11th, 2010

A simultaneous attack on three iridium mining facilities on Garvug has captured galactic attention tonight. The facilities, which are outside the colonial capital of Dhazil, were captured by Sonax Industries early in the planet’s occupation. Krogan and vorcha guerillas first set off truck bombs to penetrate the outer fences of the heavily guarded mines before shooting personnel. Moments later, the guerillas used explosives to collapse the mouths of the mines. Casualty estimates are low because of Sonax’s extensive use of robo-miners, but the move cuts off a significant income source for Sonax and the planetary government. The strike’s timing is clearly no coincidence: Sonax’s quarterly shareholders’ meeting is tomorrow.

Tags: Dhazil, Garvug, Sonax Industries
Posted in Official News | 33 Comments »


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September 10th, 2010

More than 23 million extranet users have signed up to sue Shared Visions, the company that created the notorious Wee-Cee program as part of an advertising campaign. CEO of Spyte Media Marcus D’Angelo weighed in on the subject, calling the malfunctioning malware “quaint.” He added, “The last people who believed subliminal advertising was effective also thought playing music backwards could make kids kill themselves. If you can’t sell something up-front, you have no business selling it at all.” Shared Visions could be faced with paying up to 3.8 billion credits in damages.

Tags: Marcus D'Angelo, Shared Visions, Spyte Media, Wee-Cee


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September 9th, 2010

Authorities have made 15 arrests so far at the offices of cross-promotional media company Shared Visions, a start-up corporation responsible for the Wee-Cee bug. Shared Visions faces the wrath of extranet providers, simulstim distributors, and omni-tool manufacturers as investigators confirmed that the bug was a failed attempt at designing a covert delivery system for subliminal advertising. The link was discovered after the malware’s data was unscrambled to reveal an advertisement for “Razor Pumps,” a line of athletic footwear with a Shared Visions account.

Tags: Razor Pumps, Shared Visions, Wee-Cee


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 8th, 2010

Panic swept the extranet as programmers studying the Wee-Cee bug discovered that the “static” it generates in simulstim programs contains masked data. Although scientists insist that the data is scrambled in a way that can’t be “read” by organic minds, the simulstim industry lost hundreds of millions of credits over the weekend as downloads dropped 80 percent. Rumors have circulated that Wee-Cee is everything from a geth infiltration program to a malfunctioning rogue AI, but authorities say there is no indication that the malware is sentient. Omni-tool users who have been infected can download an adaptive system wipe-and-restore from all major extranet provider home pages.

Tags: AI, Wee-Cee
Posted in Official News | 24 Comments »


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September 7th, 2010

C-SEC authorities are clamping down on the latest craze among extreme sport enthusiasts: “curve gliding.” An idea first joked about on the popular weekly drama “The Lower Wards,” curve gliding is dangerous and all too real. On the Citadel, a glider straps a power cell to a specially designed, pressurized glider suit, jumps from a high-altitude point, and follows the curve of a ward as far as possible before having to land. C-SEC officer Robert Coles said: “Not only is this activity dangerous to the glider, the chances of hitting a person or flying into traffic are significant. It’s only a matter of time before someone crashes an aircar because of this.” C-SEC has stepped up their vigilance in response to an incident that ended with a potential glider under arrest for attempting to scale the Citadel Tower.

Tags: c-sec, curve gliding, The Lower Wards


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 6th, 2010

A dangerous new bug called “Wee-Cee” ripped through several thousand public extranet terminals last night and potentially infested millions of private connections. The bug targets simulstim watchers, randomly cutting into programs with static feedback that causes headaches and even seizures in some viewers. Asked what people could do to protect themselves, Synthetic Insights senior programmer Neartanlis Ontant says, “Simple: buy and register an accredited, VI-monitored anti-virus program and keep it updated. I don’t understand why people won’t spend 50 credits to shield themselves when plugging stimuli directly into their brains.”

Tags: Neartanlis Ontant, Synthetic Insights, Wee-Cee


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September 5th, 2010

In a case many are calling “preposterous”, socialite Aish Ashland’s ex-husband Jenellen Lepp is demanding a divorce settlement from his former spouse. Legal experts say the singer has zero grounds for a settlement, if only because the marriage lasted less than a standard galactic week. Critics are calling the entire “now-they-are, now-they-aren’t” fiasco a publicity stunt timed for the release of Lepp’s album, “Depth of Field,” which debuts next month. Aish Ashland could not be reached for comment.

Tags: aish ashland, Depth of Field, Jenellen Lepp


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 4th, 2010

A record 7.3 million credits was paid for breeding rights to Gorefang Akosh Himon Igole Forvros, the varren who wowed judges at this year’s Inter-Colony Varren Kennel-Club show on planet Kruljaven. Gorefang is a red-striped clefnose from Tuchanka who, his trainer boasts, “has torn the heads off of a dozen armored mercs.” While the judges had no way to verify this particular qualification, Gorefang is free of scars and has fine dentition. Don’t rule the claim out, though — experts say that piercing standard krogan battle armor is quite possible for a varren in top shape. Tests have recorded Gorefang’s jaw exerting more than two metric tons of pressure per square centimeter. That’s quite a bite!

Tags: Gorefang, Gorefang Akosh Himon Igole Forvros, Kruljaven, varren


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
September 3rd, 2010

After a week-long honeymoon on Illium, Aish Ashland is returning home – as a free woman. Sources say that during the flight back to earth, this newly-divorced newlywed discovered her ex-husband Jenellen Lepp in a delicate situation with another couple… and a bag of narcotics. A tearful Aish had this to say to the press: “I don’t know what he was thinking. He had no right to use up my stash, I can’t live with someone who disrespects that. Also, you’ve got to have fidelity in a relationship, and I know about fidelity, I’ve had a music pod for 19 years.”

Tags: aish ashland, Illium, Jenellen Lepp


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September 2nd, 2010

The Galactic Music Video Awards kicked off tonight with dazzling numbers from Eff Tee El, Bootyherax, and Blue Giants. In what will undoubtedly be called the entrance of the year, Eff donned a cowboy hat and reinforced codpiece to ride a low-powered biotic singularity onstage. As for the awards, Best New Artist went to Domino Masque, Best Choreography went to Skinsuit’s “Mix It,” and the coveted Video of the Year went to Varrencage for their anthem “Let It Up, Let It Out.” A moment of silence for deceased singed Lady Sweat preceded her band’s performance of “Where You Gone?” with the soulful vocals provided by VI-via Wonder. But the most memorable antic of the night was dubbed the “Quarian Kiss”: Lita’Orn nar Idenna stripped off her mask when she won Best VI-Directed Video and gave presenter Illesa T’Nasty a big wet kiss. Lita’s representatives say she is expected to make a full recovery.

Tags: Blue Giants, Bootyherax, Domino Masque, Eff Tee El, Galactic Music Video Awards, Illesa T'Nasty, Lady Sweat, Let It Up Let It Out, Lita'Orn nar Idenna, Mix It, Quarian Kiss, Skinsuit, Varrencage, Where You Gone?
Posted in Official News | 55 Comments »


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September 1st, 2010

The new e-book “First Contact: Who Needs It?” by author Kurt Riven has zoomed to the top of this week’s best-seller list. In the book, the counterculture icon argues that contact between extraterrestrial species is inherently a bad idea. Riven writes, “Aside from the inevitable wars, jingoism, and disease that always follow first contact, there’s a more insidious problem: the homogenization of culture, of thought, of ideas themselves. As soon as I see how your ship works, I don’t need to figure it out myself. I’ll copy yours and whatever hope we had for something new evaporates. Maybe mine’s a different shape, but so what? The same problem exists on a galactic scale, where all major species are busy duplicating each other’s ideas. It would have been better if they never met.” Ironically, in light of the book’s success, many copycat books are already popping up across the extranet.

Tags: First Contact: Who Needs It?, Kurt Riven


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
August 31st, 2010

Nos Astra police are on a manhunt this evening for Rolan Quarn, who slipped his tracking bracelet and led police on a two-hour chase before disappearing. Before he left, the turian recorded a message to the employees of Delumcore Systems, thanking many of them by name and giving advice for the company’s future. Quarn ended by saying “Sorry about the bail. I wish everyone the best. I’ve never been prouder of the people I’ve worked with, and that’s saying something.” Authorities believe Quarn will be attempting to book a passage off-system.

Tags: Delumcore Systems, Illium, Nos Astra, Rolan Quarn


Недостоверная информация опаснее пули.
August 30th, 2010

A new wrinkle in the trial of Rolan Quarn, the turian who masqueraded as the CEO of Delumcore Systems: passing himself off as Jaxum Borlin isn’t the first time he’s stepped into someone else’s life. Quarn has impersonated dozens of other people including a stunt driver, sous-chef, martial arts instructor, ambassador, varren tamer, news anchor, and stand-up comedian. Nos Astran police chief Sonja Treme stated that Quarn is being “cooperative” and that “he was living off of what he made once he joined Delumcore. Borlin’s personal accounts haven’t been touched.”

Tags: Delumcore Systems, Illium, Jaxum Borlin, Nos Astra, Rolan Quarn, Sonja Treme
Posted in Official News | 25 Comments »


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August 28th, 2010

He started one of Nos Astra’s hottest companies. His vision landed him on magazine covers. His parties were legendary — and he was a fake. Delumcore Systems CEO Jaxum Borlin is actually Rolan Quarn, a turian from Erinle who met Borlin on vacation. When Borlin died from a heart attack a week into his holiday, Quarn boldly lifted the CEO’s passport, sampled his genetic material, and passed himself off as a tanned Borlin. Even close friends simply thought that Borlin seemed “energized” and “eager to get back to work.” Despite a lack of credentials, Quarn successfully ran Delumcore for two years before a routine traffic stop took a fresh tissue sample and caught the discrepancy in his geneprint. Quarn is being held on charges of fraud and impersonation, and goes to trial tomorrow.

Tags: Delumcore Systems, Jaxum Borlin, Rolan Quarn


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August 28th, 2010

Today marks the beginning of the religious holiday of Nyahir or “First Cresting Bloom” on the hanar homeworld of Kahje. Lasting a full thirteen days, this celebration honors the gift of speech that many hanar attribute to the Protheans, known on Kahje as “The Enkindlers.” The celebration is a mixture of contemplation and competition as the faithful perform stylized debates, poetry duels, and other traditional hanar art forms. Winners’ names are inscribed in bioluminescence for a year on the sides of Mount Vassla, an underwater volcano at the heart of one of the oldest Prothean ruins on Kahje.

Tags: Enkindlers, First Cresting Bloom, hanar, Kahje, Mount Vassla, Nyahir, Protheans
Posted in Official News | 18 Comments »


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August 27th, 2010

The saga of the alien “ghost ship” has come to a surprising end. Earlier today, reports surfaced that the Citadel Council was prepared to rule against saving the ship, fearing its AI system was sophisticated enough to pose a “security threat of unknown dimensions.” In response, chief scientist Jordan Detweiler inserted himself into the virtual alien world to warn its citizens of their civilization’s imminent end. He returned one minute later — apparently equal to half a year within the accelerated timeline of the alien world — bringing a treaty offer from its inhabitants. At that point, details turn sketchy. One inside source claims the virtual aliens offered scientific advancements “far beyond anything we have” in return for assistance. A veil of secrecy was immediately erected, with Citadel intelligence agencies classifying the matter as top-secret. Rumors now have Jordan Detweiler embarking on a Council-sanctioned mission into the virtual world to make diplomatic contact.

Tags: Ghost Ship, Jordan Detweiler
Posted in Official News | 65 Comments »


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August 26th, 2010

By the time we heard the bells, it was almost over: socialite Aish Ashland and singer Jenellen Lepp got married yesterday at midnight in a secret ceremony in Nos Astra. “Me and Jel only met three months ago,” Aish said, “but when he proposed I decided to get married right away so we could have a honeymoon during the conjunction on Illium. Our horoscopes there are totally charged! We’ll have a family wedding once Jel’s Red Sand Scratch clears up.” Aishland’s probation officer had only this to say of the nuptials: “She left the state. She’s in violation.”

Tags: aish ashland, Illium, Jenellen Lepp
Posted in Official News | 41 Comments »


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August 25th, 2010

With time running out, no decision has yet been reached in the case of the alien “ghost ship” found drifting in salarian space. Exo-biologist Jordan Detweiler estimates the energy reserves currently powering the virtual alien world are down to 4% and will fail soon. Meanwhile, opportunistic explorers boarded the ship last night and managed to hack into the virtual civilization. Before they were caught, the hackers spent six hours interfaced with the ship’s computers. In that relatively short period of time, it appears that some 180 years passed within the virtual world. Both hackers are currently in deep comas and doctors are unsure as to their recovery. “The interface was too much for their systems to absorb. Trying to re-connect their minds to their bodies after being “away” for so long mentally was too large a shock. Physically they’re fine, but I’d wager scrambled eggs have more consciousness.”

Tags: Ghost Ship, Jordan Detweiler
Posted in Official News | 58 Comments »