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September 7th, 2010
C-SEC authorities are clamping down on the latest craze among extreme sport enthusiasts: “curve gliding.” An idea first joked about on the popular weekly drama “The Lower Wards,” curve gliding is dangerous and all too real. On the Citadel, a glider straps a power cell to a specially designed, pressurized glider suit, jumps from a high-altitude point, and follows the curve of a ward as far as possible before having to land. C-SEC officer Robert Coles said: “Not only is this activity dangerous to the glider, the chances of hitting a person or flying into traffic are significant. It’s only a matter of time before someone crashes an aircar because of this.” C-SEC has stepped up their vigilance in response to an incident that ended with a potential glider under arrest for attempting to scale the Citadel Tower.
Tags: c-sec, curve gliding, The Lower Wards
September 7th, 2010
C-SEC authorities are clamping down on the latest craze among extreme sport enthusiasts: “curve gliding.” An idea first joked about on the popular weekly drama “The Lower Wards,” curve gliding is dangerous and all too real. On the Citadel, a glider straps a power cell to a specially designed, pressurized glider suit, jumps from a high-altitude point, and follows the curve of a ward as far as possible before having to land. C-SEC officer Robert Coles said: “Not only is this activity dangerous to the glider, the chances of hitting a person or flying into traffic are significant. It’s only a matter of time before someone crashes an aircar because of this.” C-SEC has stepped up their vigilance in response to an incident that ended with a potential glider under arrest for attempting to scale the Citadel Tower.
Tags: c-sec, curve gliding, The Lower Wards