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Wine gains ground in Salarian Union
April 9th, 2011

In a surprising trend, exports of wine are gaining major ground within the Salarian Union. The Alliance Business Report notes that salarians have taken to the human drink because of its similarity to “coort,’ a traditional drink for many salarian holidays and ceremonies, including the ritual meal held immediately following mating practices. Salarian consumers reportedly prefer wine over coort because it lacks coort’s extremely bitter aftertaste, and sales of wine skyrocketed last year after it was endorsed as a substitute by several salarian religious leaders.

Vineyards within the Alliance are reportedly enjoying record profits, and many have made plans to expand their operations. However, they may eventually have competition within the Salarian Union, as several salarian businessmen and corporations are exploring the possibility of opening their own wine vineyards on Mannovai and Rannadril.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: coort, Mannovai, Rannadril, Salarian Union, Systems Alliance, wine
Posted in Unofficial News | 67 Comments »


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Survey crew discovers sleeper ship
April 6th, 2011

Survey crews from the Yarnell-Wycliff Independent Mining Corporation recently discovered the Stardust, an XL-82 class sleeper ship that was declared lost in 2072. The XL-82 class of ships were produced in the 2070s, for a series of unity exploration efforts involving the United States, European, Indian, and Chinese space agencies. They were designed for “long range” exploration and science missions to the outer fringes of Sol.

The Yarnell-Wycliff crew discovered the Stardust while running surveys in Sol’s asteroid belt. Upon boarding, they discovered that all systems had failed over a century ago, and that the crew had died while in cryogenic freeze. Investigation is ongoing, but preliminary results seem to indicate that the systems failure may have originated from a hull breach that occurred at some point during the ship’s journey.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: earth, Stardust, XL-82, Yarnell-Wycliff


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Citadel to host human history film festival
April 5th, 2011

Hollis Westin, a Presidium businessman, has organized a “Classic Human Films Festival” for the Citadel. The Festival will take place over the next three weeks, and will feature a rotating series of human films from Earth’s 20th and 21st centuries, including Dial M for Murder and Casablanca. All will be shown using the classic projector and screen method.

Westin grew up in Los Angeles, California, on Earth, and has ancestors who worked in the film industry. “Movies can tell you a lot about humanity,” Westin said. “We plan to provide information packets to help explain the context and settings to those who are unfamiliar with Earth history, but many of these movies deal with concepts and themes that are understandable for any culture.” The festival will charge five credits per ticket, and will be held at the Auxua School of the Arts, in Tayseri Ward.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Auxua School of the Arts, citadel, earth, Hollis Westin, Tayseri Ward
Posted in Unofficial News | 63 Comments »


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Turian colony prepares for incoming hurricane
April 4th, 2011

The capital of the turian colony of Eltayen in the Pikk system is battening down for an approaching hurricane tonight, following a software failure of the colony’s weather control grid. The grid, a standard system using microburst mass fields coordinated by sophisticated VI modelling to defuse severe weather conditions in their formative stages, raised the alarm four local days ago, when self-diagnostic routines identified air pressure variations outside modelled parameters. Following the findings of a technical survey team, the Eltayen government took the decision to enact a controlled temporary shut-down of the system until its predictive models could be brought back into alignment with observed meteorological data. Unfortunately, the eighteen hour shut-down process was too late to prevent the formation of a hurricane cell from the grid’s earlier erroneous adjustments. Contingency plans laid down prior to the grid’s installation have been activated, and at present the emergency is not expected to be life-threatening, however a substantial toll in property damage and loss of food crops seems likely.

Tags: Eltayren


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Illium Board discusses amendments to indentured servant laws
April 3rd, 2011

Controversy has flared once again on the asari-aligned free port Illium, following a proposal from the influential Hanadri Consortium to amend the world’s divisive “indentured servitude” regulations, which Citadel sapient rights groups liken to slavery. The proposal, allegedly intended to streamline the recruitment and allocation of skilled indentured workers, includes a number of changes to the process by which an individual may be registered as an indentured servant under Illium law; groups including the Citadel Anti-Slavery League, and Illium’s own Tyeri finance bloc, have protested that the new laws would allow sapients to be enslaved against their will in unregulated space, and then processed as lawful indentured servants on Illium in exchange for additional processing fees which amount to bribes. Illium’s Board of Governors has issued no statement on the proposal itself, but has addressed the controversy with a statement that the Board, in concert with the planet’s general legislature, will consider any proposals put to it with due consideration to individual rights, and Illium’s reputation as a free and legitimate trading port. Hanadri stock rose an adjusted 3% on the NAE, but a simultaneous 4% rise across the Tyeri bloc indicates mixed feelings among locals.

Tags: Illium


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Hanar colonists turn blue
April 2nd, 2011

A shuttle crash on Ineth has resulted in a unique situation for a number of hanar colonists; turning their normally violet skin blue!

A freight shuttle carrying 32 tonnes of Miprocom-427, an aquatic fertiliser produced on the Ineth, crashed into the ocean planet two weeks ago after a mechanical failure in one of its primary thrusters during take-off. The majority of the Miprocom spillage was cleared up by emergency teams but some did leak into the local ecosystem. The effects of large-scale Miprocom pollution were unknown at the time, but now an obvious side effect has come to light.

One of the victims, colony doctor Ochai, said of his new coloration, “This one is quite happy being blue. It has given it a new outlook on life. Although some hanar affected by Miprocom poisoning are upset by the change to their skin-tone, the effects are not permanent and will dissipate in time.”

Tags: hanar, Ineth
Posted in Unofficial News | 37 Comments »


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CPTC investigates Zakera Ward advertisement
April 1st, 2011

The Citadel Public Trade Commission has announced that 437 stores, restaurants, and other vendors in Zakera Ward are currently under investigation for false advertising. “Each of these business is claiming to be a human celebrity’s ‘favorite store on the Citadel,’” says CPTC official Riena L’Sonden. The commission believes that this endorsement was made sometime last year for an as-of-yet undetermined shop, and was quietly duplicated by nearby competitors. “These advertisements have been rapidly increasing in frequency over the past months,” added L’Sonden. “They are contributing to customer confusion.” When asked about the issue, Shin Akiba resident Chloe Jenkins said, “I don’t get it. How can one person have so many ‘favorite stores?’ It sounds like a scam to me.”

Tags: Chloe Jenkins, Citadel Public Trade Comission, CPTC, Riena L'Sonden, Shin Akiba, Zakera Ward
Posted in Unofficial News | 64 Comments »


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Salarians celebrate Dalatrass Day
March 31st, 2011

Today is Dalatrass day, and salarians across the galaxy are celebrating and reconnecting with their mothers. Flower, candy, and jewelry retailers in salarian space are posting record sales. SE&C, the largest Union extranet access company, reported increasing its available voice and video bandwidth by 38% in anticipation of today’s flood of vidcalls and e-mails back to the salarian homeworlds. Most salarians who can make it home today spend a quiet evening with their dalatrasses and siblings. But a very special honor is reserved by the Salarian Union for the oldest surviving Dalatrass. 51-year old Ciffina Su’ntun, who lives in a nursing home on Jaëto and has held this title for the last three years, celebrated the day at a party organized by her 442 children, over one thousand grandchildren, and now 62 great-grandchildren, all of whom she knows by name. Ciffina attributes her longevity and good memory to daily exercise, frequent meditation, and a glass of ruxxia -– a salarian liquor -– every night before bed.

Tags: Ciffina Su'ntun, Dalatrass Day, salarians


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Candlelight vigil held on Terra Nova
March 30th, 2011

Today marks the five year anniversary of the mysterious death of the Parker family on Terra Nova. Before their unfortunate demise, the Parkers were an influential family in the world’s capital of Scott. Arthur and Marie Parker (ages 44 and 46, respectively) were both successful executives, their oldest daughter Eliza (age 21) was an up-and-coming model, and their son Matthew (age 19) was a student of law on a soccer scholarship at the prestigious Hawking University. The family went missing during a trip to the other side of the planet for vacation in the unsettled parts of the colony. Weeks later, their aircar was found crashed in the desert that belts the planet, with all inside dead.

Though officially ruled as an accident, there have since been theories that the aircar was intentionally brought down, given the family’s local prestige. Further fueling these rumors is the fact that the bodies of Matthew and youngest child Ashley (age 12) were never found. No evidence has ever surfaced of foul play, but those attending the vigil have asked for the safe return of the two missing Parkers who would now be young adults.

Tags: Parker Family, Terra Nova


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Tyran Heleptis expected to go hypernova within a year
March 30th, 2011

The recently discovered hyper giant Tyran Heleptis is, according to astronomers, reaching its final stages of life. It is expected to explode into a hypernova, an incredibly rare event believed only to occur in this galaxy every 200 million years. “We are all very excited to witness this phenomenon,” says Chief Scientist Rolhana Turvel of the Citadel Astronomy Coalition. “None of us would have believed that we would experience such an event in our lifetimes.”

The star is far enough away that its explosion will not impact any colonized worlds, but the Citadel Travel Advisory Board is putting the Tyran sector off limits due to the deadly gamma ray bursts expected to occur when the star goes hypernova. The event is expected to be seen from as far away as Thessia.

Tags: Tyran Heleptis


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Systems Alliance reverses stance on turian dreadnought construction
March 28th, 2011

In a surprise move, respected Systems Alliance admiral, Steven Hackett, testified today before the Citadel Council that the Joint Chiefs of the Alliance have relaxed their attitude toward the increased construction of turian dreadnoughts. “The Alliance is behind our councilor one hundred percent,” the admiral said, a significant departure from the Chiefs’ protests of the past. “Having recently conducted significant joint operation exercises with the turians, as well as smaller efforts with salarians and asari, the Alliance Navy feels the threats of the 22nd and 23rd centuries [Earth standard] will be external to the signatories of the Treaty of Farixen.” Batarian ambassador Nel’Tarras Tilshan reacted vehemently. “The humans appear to be falling into a bloody-minded course, and we hope they turn back. Dreadnoughts are not for peacekeeping, they are for devastating planets! Hackett now sides with those who are a direct threat to the batarian people.”

Tags: Admiral Hackett, Admiral Steven Hackett, Citadel Councils, Nel'Tarras Tilshan, Steven Hackett, Systems Alliance, turian, Turian Hierarchy
Posted in Official News | 214 Comments »


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Relay delays cause dip in galactic economy
March 27th, 2011

Commerce took a plunge yesterday as galaxy-wide traffic delays ground transport and finance to a halt. “I’d estimate we lost 612-billion credits across the galaxy,” says macroeconomics expert Dora Voke, “and we would have easily doubled those losses if it wasn’t for the asari business holiday.” While traffic flow between relays is back to normal, the effects are still being felt by commuters and vacationers. “Unbelievable,” says Roman Basee, a citizen from Mars who was taking his first holiday in eight years. “The starline says they’ll rebook, but it’s just crazy that everything can grind to a halt. The Citadel’s got to make sure this doesn’t happen!”

Tags: citadel, Dora Voke, Roman Basee


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Council fleets to monitor and police relays
March 26th, 2011

A series of security incidents at mass relays throughout Citadel space has led to the redistribution of the Council’s peacekeeping fleets. “Public attention has shifted to the relays, and relay-related crime is elevated,” says Captain Miyamoto Whelan of the Alliance fleet. He went on to list starship loitering, debris dumping, and suicide by relay as chief incidents to be policed. The resulting military presence has been disruptive enough to cause hours and sometimes days of delays for regular flights. “I don’t see why they need to park cruisers on the route to freaking Voya,” said commuter Lakshmi Dasgupta. “No one’s attacking Voya, and don’t tell me they’re there to guard something that’s indestructible.”


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Researchers arrested for tampering with Lowas relay
March 25th, 2011

Two unauthorized researchers have been arrested and charged with attempting to tamper with the Lowas relay. “Zahi Moon and Ellis Veech were found on Lowas’ outer surface, planning on accessing the command switches embedded in the relay,” says Council Relay Security officer Lisa Tanabe. “They were about as successful as the last hundred people who tried. The real harm was parking a research vessel near a potential collision zone where debris would take weeks to clean, and we know what a single screw can do to a ship at high velocities.” Tanabe is referring to the tragic explosion of the Mihairokov, a spacecraft that hit an orbiting metal bolt that caused the ships’ cabin to depressurize, killing the passengers onboard.

Tags: Ellis Veech, Lisa Tanabe, Lowas Relay, Zahi Moon


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The galaxy continues to react to mass relay discoveries
March 24th, 2011

Reactions to the discovery that mass relays were not created by the Prothean civilization continue to pour in. On Kahje, the response is largely denial and shock. Religious leader All-Bright Olos the 10th, the Sounaril of the Manas tradition, reacted by uploading a 13-minute speech to the newsnets that urged calm and peace. “It is no heresy to say the Enkindlers themselves may have been Enkindled,” the hanar said. “It is their example of selflessness, courtesy, and willingness to share their gifts that teaches these ones how to live. To say there was something before them, an even more noble being, gives these penitents an even swifter current to ride, a greater model to which we can all aspire.”

Tags: All-Bright Olos the 10th, Enkindlers, Protheans, Sounaril


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Relay research stolen
March 23rd, 2011

Dr. Aurana T’Meles’ office in downtown Serrice was broken into last night after she made galactic news for supporting the controversial study that claims mass relays predate the Protheans. “I don’t understand,” said a flabbergasted Dr. T’Meles. “All they stole was research done by Dr. Kenson earlier this year. If they’d waited a month, they could have read it all in a published paper.” Security footage shows four batarians dressed in civilian clothing breaking into Dr. T’Meles’ office at 4:13 AM local [Thessia standard] time. Skin cells from the scene identified one burglar as Palash Tarn, a former member of the Khar’shan military’s Batarian Special Intervention Unit. No officials from Khar’shan were available for comment.

Tags: Amanda Kenson, Aurana T'Meles, Batarian Special Intervention Unit, Dr. Amanda Kenson, Dr. Aurana T'Meles, Dr. Kenson, Khar'shan, Palash Tarn, Protheans, Thessia


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Evidence supporting pre-Prothean relays continues to mount
March 22nd, 2011

Evidence continues to mount that the system of mass relays attributed to the Protheans predate their civilization. Dr. Aurana T’Meles of the University of Serrice, a one-time skeptic of the claim, now says she’s a convert. “This team has been meticulous in dating relays from many locations,” she says in her findings. “It is not their responsibility to hypothesize who created the relays, only to isolate the eras of their construction.” Such hypotheses abound and usually feature disappeared species like the arthenn or zeioph. Nearly all have been ruled out since they did not coexist with the oldest of the relays. Dr. Amanda Kenson, team lead for the initial discovery, could not be reached for comment at broadcast time.

Tags: Amanda Kenson, Aurana T'Meles, Dr. Amanda Kenson, University of Serrice


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Potential gang war looms over Omega
March 21st, 2011

Tensions are running high on the outlaw space station Omega, in the wake of a disaster that has the potential to ignite a new wave of gang violence. The crisis began when the crew of the bulk freighter Djakra Nox declared a propulsion failure and abandoned ship, leaving the vessel, and its cargo of eighteen hundred vorcha, reliant on VI control for its final approach to the Halycax docking spire. Tragedy ensued when the neighbouring Andrasha refinery, controlled by the Vanzar mercenary faction, opened fire on the Djakra Nox, destroying the vessel and sending wreckage crashing into the Halycax spire. Eclipse representatives later claimed to have detected anomalies in the freighter’s drive emissions which, left unchecked, would have caused a deteriorating course ending in collision with the refinery’s volatile prometheum tanks. The Blood Pack faction, who had contracted the Djakra Nox, subsequently accused the Vanzar of manufacturing the incident as an excuse to eliminate the cargo of vorcha, set to be attached to Blood Pack formations, and retaliated with a series of territorial incursions into Vanzar-held districts. The freighter’s crew have yet to be located.

Tags: Blood Pack, Eclipse, Omega
Posted in Unofficial News | 28 Comments »


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Alliance MP Jeffords Pallone resigns Foreign Affairs post
March 20th, 2011

Alliance MP Jeffords Pallone announced today that he is resigning his position on the Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, in response to repeated calls by supporters of the Terra Firma Party that he step down. In a recorded statement to his fellow MPs, Pallone stated his regret that his marriage to Glada T’Dami, an Asari professor of comparative politics, had become an issue. He reiterated his loyalty to the Alliance, and stated his wish to “move on from this current controversy, and continue serving the people of Elysium from a post on another committee.”

Matthew Auberger, the Terra Firma MP who organized many of the protests against Pallone, stated that he was glad that Pallone had “come to his senses” and called for Terra Firma’s supporters to “stay vigilant in the face of those who would sell out human interests.” It is uncertain which committee Pallone will be reassigned to, though he will reportedly be in talks with leaders in Parliament following his honeymoon.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Glada T'Dami, Jeffords Pallone, Matthew Auberger, Systems Alliance, Terra Firma


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Alliance military growing, but some question cost
March 19th, 2011

The Alliance Navy and Marine Corps continued their rapid growth this year. The Navy’s accelerated shipbuilding program shows no signs of slowing, with Alliance naval shipyards completing construction on 50 new ships, including the dreadnought SSV Krakatoa, the carrier SSV Sun Yat-sen, seven cruisers, and over 40 frigates, transports, and support vessels in the first quarter of 2186, in addition to 516 fighters and interceptors. The Alliance Marines matched this growth, activating the new 13th Frontier Division, with more than 25,000 Marines serving in infantry, armor, artillery, drone, and support units and its own attached air/space fighter wing. This expansion is not coming cheap. The Alliance spent more than 10 trillion credits last year on defense, not counting recruiting and retention bonuses for technical personnel, biotics, pilots, and front-line infantry soldiers paid out of emergency appropriations.

Some members of the Alliance Parliament, particularly those representing Earth, are questioning the need for such a large military. Parliamentary Progressive Caucus chairman Dakota Feldblum said “My district has 15% unemployment, failing schools, and urgent social service needs. The Central African DMZ peacekeeping forces are woefully underfunded. The world’s transport and power infrastructures decay every day. And yet we’re spending trillions on galactic war machines? Don’t we have diplomats to settle conflicts before they start? Don’t the Terminus colonies want to be left alone anyway? No, this is just a pretext for grabbing more colonies and getting us into more senseless wars while Earth, our homeworld, dies from neglect.”

[via Quorum Call Online]

Tags: Alliance Parliament, earth, Systems Alliance