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Alliance military growing, but some question cost
March 19th, 2011
The Alliance Navy and Marine Corps continued their rapid growth this year. The Navy’s accelerated shipbuilding program shows no signs of slowing, with Alliance naval shipyards completing construction on 50 new ships, including the dreadnought SSV Krakatoa, the carrier SSV Sun Yat-sen, seven cruisers, and over 40 frigates, transports, and support vessels in the first quarter of 2186, in addition to 516 fighters and interceptors. The Alliance Marines matched this growth, activating the new 13th Frontier Division, with more than 25,000 Marines serving in infantry, armor, artillery, drone, and support units and its own attached air/space fighter wing. This expansion is not coming cheap. The Alliance spent more than 10 trillion credits last year on defense, not counting recruiting and retention bonuses for technical personnel, biotics, pilots, and front-line infantry soldiers paid out of emergency appropriations.
Some members of the Alliance Parliament, particularly those representing Earth, are questioning the need for such a large military. Parliamentary Progressive Caucus chairman Dakota Feldblum said “My district has 15% unemployment, failing schools, and urgent social service needs. The Central African DMZ peacekeeping forces are woefully underfunded. The world’s transport and power infrastructures decay every day. And yet we’re spending trillions on galactic war machines? Don’t we have diplomats to settle conflicts before they start? Don’t the Terminus colonies want to be left alone anyway? No, this is just a pretext for grabbing more colonies and getting us into more senseless wars while Earth, our homeworld, dies from neglect.”
[via Quorum Call Online]
Tags: Alliance Parliament, earth, Systems Alliance
March 19th, 2011
The Alliance Navy and Marine Corps continued their rapid growth this year. The Navy’s accelerated shipbuilding program shows no signs of slowing, with Alliance naval shipyards completing construction on 50 new ships, including the dreadnought SSV Krakatoa, the carrier SSV Sun Yat-sen, seven cruisers, and over 40 frigates, transports, and support vessels in the first quarter of 2186, in addition to 516 fighters and interceptors. The Alliance Marines matched this growth, activating the new 13th Frontier Division, with more than 25,000 Marines serving in infantry, armor, artillery, drone, and support units and its own attached air/space fighter wing. This expansion is not coming cheap. The Alliance spent more than 10 trillion credits last year on defense, not counting recruiting and retention bonuses for technical personnel, biotics, pilots, and front-line infantry soldiers paid out of emergency appropriations.
Some members of the Alliance Parliament, particularly those representing Earth, are questioning the need for such a large military. Parliamentary Progressive Caucus chairman Dakota Feldblum said “My district has 15% unemployment, failing schools, and urgent social service needs. The Central African DMZ peacekeeping forces are woefully underfunded. The world’s transport and power infrastructures decay every day. And yet we’re spending trillions on galactic war machines? Don’t we have diplomats to settle conflicts before they start? Don’t the Terminus colonies want to be left alone anyway? No, this is just a pretext for grabbing more colonies and getting us into more senseless wars while Earth, our homeworld, dies from neglect.”
[via Quorum Call Online]
Tags: Alliance Parliament, earth, Systems Alliance