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CDEM engages in tunnel warfare
October 1st, 2011

Troops from the Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission entered Clan Torak’s ancestral capital, today, only to encounter another unexpected development. The clan’s leadership and defense forces have fled into a previously unknown series of tunnels under the city. The CDEM has followed, and is engaging in bloody, underground warfare against fortified Torak positions. CDEM representatives have stated they have reason to believe that stockpiles of prohibited weapons, as well as the six krogan wanted for the University of Serrice incident, are in the tunnels. Attempts to flood the tunnels with knockout gas have proven unsuccessful, as the krogan are wearing sealed combat hardsuits.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 81 Comments »


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Pyjacks singer talks to press
September 30th, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks recently took time away from their reunion tour so Vorenus Malenuu could talk to GBC’s Carl Shipley. In the interview, Malenuu confirmed that the band is getting along as well as it did in its heyday, and raised the possibility of getting back together several times. “We’ve talked about it,” Malenuu said. “We’re considering it. We’ve made no decisions. This tour has been great, but it’s been twenty years. Everyone has moved on. Alana Vetris has a fantastic solo career. Hal Dorbad found a place on the Eletarmin Ginjus Show. So we have to consider all of those factors.” Malennu refused to rule anything out, however, and said that the band would “make a decision by the end of the tour.”

Tags: Carl Shipley, The Screaming Pyjacks, Vorenus Malenuu
Posted in Unofficial News | 18 Comments »


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Answers demanded on freighter crew
September 29th, 2011

Relatives of the crewmembers of the MSV Deep Space Prince are demanding answers, but few are available. Though most of the Prince’s crew was human, it also had a volus physician, an asari engineer, and a turian security chief. Those governments are now asking for representation on the team investigating the Prince, in response to pressure from family members. “We just want to know what happened,” said Vallen Alick, mother of Tarius Alick, the security chief. “Tarius had her misgivings about this trip, but she went because she was fond of Nancy Lyman. She liked the human child, and wanted nothing more than to make sure she was safe.”

Tags: Deep Space Prince
Posted in Unofficial News | 15 Comments »


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Torak fighting sparks protests
September 28th, 2011

A group of protesters gathered in the Presidium’s free speech zone, today, to protest the CDEM operation against Clan Torak. Organized by former Alliance diplomat turned civil rights lawyer Angela Kerns, the protesters stated that their intent is to make the Council rethink long standing policy toward the krogan. “The genophage was a war crime, and what has happened since then has only compounded that atrocity,” said Kerns. “The krogan are a broken and defeated people. All we ask is that the rest of the galaxy – including the Citadel Council and the CDEM – leave them alone, and allow them to repair the damage to their society without constant outside interference.”

Tags: Angela Kerns, citadel, Clan Torak
Posted in Unofficial News | 71 Comments »


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Darik Zol departs on black hole ‘suicide mission’
September 27th, 2011

Physicist Darik Zol, claiming he has received “not ideal, but sufficient” donations of element zero dust to open a wormhole around black hole A0620-00, departed today amid fanfare and heartfelt cheering from the general public on Irune. Ten Volus merchant scouts accompanied Dr. Zol as honor guards to the nearest mass relay. Dr. Zol is attempting to open a wormhole to another part of the galaxy by spreading charged element zero dust in the vicinity of the event horizon. Responding to public worries, council representatives noted that that due to gravitational time dilation around the black hole, the results of Dr. Zol’s experiments will not be known for another one or two million years. “He is essentially going on a one-way suicide mission,” said the statement from the council secretariat, adding: “it’s a sad day for science.”

Tags: A0620-00, black holes, Darik Zol
Posted in Unofficial News | 20 Comments »


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CDEM attacks on Clan Torak continue
September 26th, 2011

Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission attacks on Clan Torak have continued for the past week, with several rounds of heavy shelling and coordinated bombing. The CDEM reports that most of Torak’s surface to air missile positions, as well as their heavy weapons, have been destroyed, and that outlying Torak forces have been decimated. CDEM ground forces have advanced into Clan Torak’s territory, and have reported only light resistance. At a press conference, a CDEM spokesperson said, “We expect to take Clan Torak’s ancestral capital within the next few days. We mean no harm to krogan non-combatants. Our only goals are to search the capital for the six krogan wanted for the deaths of the University of Serrice science expedition, as well as to detect and confiscate any prohibited weaponry.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 80 Comments »


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Turians celebrate Lukara Festival
September 25th, 2011

Many turians have taken off work to celebrate the Lukara Festival. A week-long celebration held every ten years, Lukara encourages participants to spend time during the day contemplating their place in their community, and what they can do to better serve their fellow turians. During the evening hours, participants gather with friends and family to engage in singing, dancing, and feasting. The largest celebration takes place on Palaven’s largest northern continent, where participants gather to watch the lukara beasts begin a difficult, cross-continent migration that is undertaken once a decade. “The lukara migration is the origin of the celebration,” said a public release from the turian embassy. “It is a difficult journey, but the lukara work together to reach their destination. The migration serves as a reminder of the importance of working together to achieve community goals.”

Tags: lukara beasts, Lukara Festival, Palaven, turians
Posted in Unofficial News | 21 Comments »


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Smoking laws challenged
September 24th, 2011

Modern science has made cigarettes medically safe, but legacy laws in some Alliance jurisdictions still prohibit smoking in public places. A group of activists, calling themselves the “Free Smokers,” have banded together to challenge those laws, most of which are in place on Earth and early colonies. “The whole point was to discourage an unhealthy behavior, and to limit health risks from second hand smoke,” said Dr. Neeraj Vij, the President of Free Smokers. “But with current advancements, the laws no longer serve a purpose.” Not everyone agrees, however. During a recent hearing at Banks City, on Mars, one citizen complained, “Second hand smoke may not be unhealthy, but it’s still annoying. I should be able to enjoy public places without someone’s smoke irritating my eyes.”

Tags: cigarettes, Free Smokers, Neeraj Vij, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 34 Comments »


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Rare books damaged in university prank
September 23rd, 2011

Six University of Armstrong students are facing the possibility of expulsion, following a prank that has damaged a large portion of the University’s rare, paper book collection. The students, each members of a fraternity, attempted to bypass the Aldrin Library’s security system, with the intent of stealing several rare books and planting them in the house of a rival fraternity. Instead, their hacking attempt inadvertently set off the fire suppression systems in several sections of the building. Although a full estimate of the damage has yet to be released, large sections of the library’s science fiction section are water damaged, and it has been suggested that much of the library’s Arthur C. Clarke collection may be beyond restoration.

Tags: Aldrin Library, University of Armstrong
Posted in Unofficial News | 29 Comments »


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Freighter crew still missing
September 22nd, 2011

The Alliance reports that the crew of the Deep Space Prince is still missing. Despite a thorough search of the freighter, rescue crews were unable to locate Arthur or Kate Lyman, their crew, or their 5 year old daughter. In what one member of the rescue crew has described as “extremely unusual,” the Prince was found fully functional, with the autopilot set on a course for the Citadel. “It was moving at sub-light speed, so it wouldn’t have arrived in our lifetime,” said the rescue member. “The ship’s crew was nowhere, and its databank records were wiped. But other than that, it was normal. No signs of struggle. Nothing.”

Tags: Deep Space Prince, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 24 Comments »


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Missing freighter discovered in Traverse
September 21st, 2011

The Alliance military has found the MSV Deep Space Prince, a Kowloon class freighter that was reported missing in December of 2184. The “Prince,” owned by University of London professors Arthur and Kate Lyman, was on a mission to seek out Prothean ruins in the Attican Traverse. It gained a degree of media attention because the Lymans, who funded the mission with their own money, brought their 5 year old daughter Nancy along for the trip. A frigate detected the freighter, which is said to be fully functional, while conducting a scouting mission. A report has not been issued on the status of the crew.

Tags: Attican Traverse, Deep Space Prince, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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Gahl Jackson pleads guilty
September 20th, 2011

Gahl Jackson has changed his plea to guilty, in response to the recent release of video evidence. In a statement to the court, the youth explained that he began helping the Hegemony “after years of emotional abuse by my peers, classmates and teachers. I couldn’t get away from it. The Hegemony told me they could offer me a place where I would belong.”

Support groups for children of mixed species families have reported an increase in harassment of batarians, and have asked that the public behave reasonably. “Not every batarian youth you meet is a spy,” said Darchas Clark, with Youth United. “They shouldn’t be held responsible for the actions of someone else.”

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, Darchas Clark, Gahl Jackson, Youth United
Posted in Unofficial News | 56 Comments »


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CDEM attack encounters resistance
September 19th, 2011

The Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission launched an attack against Clan Torak, today, only to encounter unexpected resistance. After Torak again refused demands to allow CDEM access to their ancestral capital, the CDEM launched airborne strikes and artillery barrages against Torak positions. CDEM forces were shocked, however, when Torak personnel in and around the capital turned out to be armed with advanced surface to air missiles, as well as several heavy weapons. Four CDEM aircraft were downed, with their pilots confirmed dead. Several other CDEM aircraft were severely damaged. The CDEM has reported that it does not currently know how Clan Torak gained access to prohibited weapons, but it is expected that they will respond to this development with extreme prejudice.

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 136 Comments »


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Tarizz admits to falsifying stories
September 18th, 2011

Future Content Corporation reporter Tanil Tarizz has admitted to falsifying articles. In a statement posted on his official blog on the FCC extranet homepage, the salarian begged for the forgiveness of his readers, and said, “I needed some good articles. My career was going nowhere, and I’m already 24 years old, almost 25. I didn’t want to live the rest of my life a nobody. I wanted to be remembered after I die.” The FCC has fired Tarizz and posted retractions for the stories. Other journalists have reacted in disgust to Tarizz’s actions, with Farley Winchell, a fellow FCC reporter, saying, “There was an entire war on Garvug that he could have reported on. Instead, he made things up.”

Tags: Future Content Corporation, Garvug, Tanil Tarizz
Posted in Unofficial News | 56 Comments »


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University library honored
September 17th, 2011

The University of Armstrong’s Aldrin Library was awarded today by the Organization for the Preservation of Literary History. The award is in recognition of the library’s massive collection of paper books, which is estimated to be one of the largest off-Earth collections of non-electronic human literature. The collection is especially notable for its science fiction section, which contains several first editions from authors such as Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, and Li Shing. Dr. Oswald Tyson, the University’s long-time head librarian, accepted the award, and told a gathering of students, faculty, and press, that he hopes the library “will continue to preserve an important part of human literary history for generations to come.”

Tags: Aldrin Library, Organization for the Preservation of Literary History, University of Armstrong
Posted in Unofficial News | 28 Comments »


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Gahl Jackson implicated in video
September 16th, 2011

The trial of Gahl Jackson took an emotional turn today, as prosecutors introduced surprise video evidence against the youth. In the video, Jackson is seen providing a salarian with an OSD that prosecutors allege contained sensitive diplomatic documents. Prosecutors claim that the salarian, who has admitted publically to working with the batarians, was acting as a go between for Jackson and the Hegemony.

Gahl Jackson broke down in tears as he watched the video, while his parents watched silently in the audience. The day ended with Jackson’s lawyer requesting a recess to discuss the case with her client.

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, Gahl Jackson
Posted in Unofficial News | 54 Comments »


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Witnesses back claims against reporter
September 15th, 2011

Several residents of Garvug, as well as veterans of the recent war there, have backed claims against Future Content Corporation reporter Tanil Tarizz. One Garvug merchant claims that the salarian’s account of a battle that trapped and wounded civilians was bogus, saying, “It was a skirmish. It was over in 10 minutes, and no civilians were hurt.” Meanwhile, a former corporate soldier said, “Tarizz interviewed me about my experiences. When I read the article, he had me fighting in battles I was nowhere near.” The FCC has suspended Tarizz pending the results of an investigation. In an e-mailed statement, the reporter said, “My articles are all true. I don’t understand these hurtful personal attacks.”

Tags: Future Content Corporation, Garvug, Tanil Tarizz


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Noveria blizzards end
September 14th, 2011

Space travel to and from Noveria has resumed, with the end of a series of blizzards that plagued operations there for over a week. Despite the return of normal weather, passengers are still suffering delays, as Port Hanshan has given priority to a backlog of supply ships that had been waiting in orbit. Nevertheless, the Noveria Development Corporation has assured travelers that they will be able to leave “within the next few days.” The NDC also stated that preliminary examinations indicate little weather damage to facilities, but that extra snow from the storm will need to be removed from the ground and slopes around several bases.

Tags: Noveria, Noveria Development Corporation
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »


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Clan Torak says attackers have fled
September 12th, 2011

Torak Ral, the leader of Clan Torak, told reporters today that a University of Serrice science expedition was killed by six members of his clan “without his permission,” and that those members “have fled Tuchanka.” Ral expressed his regrets, but also indicated he has no plans to return a payment from the University of Serrice. “They knew the dangers when they came to Tuchanka,” he said. “It’s not the entire clan’s fault they didn’t survive.” The Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission is demanding access to Clan Torak’s ancestral capital, so they can confirm that the suspects in the killings are off world. When asked about the demand, Ral said, “I’d like to see them come here and try to get in.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Torak Ral, tuchanka, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 62 Comments »


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Clan Torak says attackers have fled
September 12th, 2011

Torak Ral, the leader of Clan Torak, told reporters today that a University of Serrice science expedition was killed by six members of his clan “without his permission,” and that those members “have fled Tuchanka.” Ral expressed his regrets, but also indicated he has no plans to return a payment from the University of Serrice. “They knew the dangers when they came to Tuchanka,” he said. “It’s not the entire clan’s fault they didn’t survive.” The Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission is demanding access to Clan Torak’s ancestral capital, so they can confirm that the suspects in the killings are off world. When asked about the demand, Ral said, “I’d like to see them come here and try to get in.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Torak Ral, tuchanka, University of Serrice
Posted in Unofficial News | 62 Comments »