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Noveria blizzards end
September 14th, 2011
Space travel to and from Noveria has resumed, with the end of a series of blizzards that plagued operations there for over a week. Despite the return of normal weather, passengers are still suffering delays, as Port Hanshan has given priority to a backlog of supply ships that had been waiting in orbit. Nevertheless, the Noveria Development Corporation has assured travelers that they will be able to leave “within the next few days.” The NDC also stated that preliminary examinations indicate little weather damage to facilities, but that extra snow from the storm will need to be removed from the ground and slopes around several bases.
Tags: Noveria, Noveria Development Corporation
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »
September 14th, 2011
Space travel to and from Noveria has resumed, with the end of a series of blizzards that plagued operations there for over a week. Despite the return of normal weather, passengers are still suffering delays, as Port Hanshan has given priority to a backlog of supply ships that had been waiting in orbit. Nevertheless, the Noveria Development Corporation has assured travelers that they will be able to leave “within the next few days.” The NDC also stated that preliminary examinations indicate little weather damage to facilities, but that extra snow from the storm will need to be removed from the ground and slopes around several bases.
Tags: Noveria, Noveria Development Corporation
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »