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CDEM engages in tunnel warfare
October 1st, 2011
Troops from the Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission entered Clan Torak’s ancestral capital, today, only to encounter another unexpected development. The clan’s leadership and defense forces have fled into a previously unknown series of tunnels under the city. The CDEM has followed, and is engaging in bloody, underground warfare against fortified Torak positions. CDEM representatives have stated they have reason to believe that stockpiles of prohibited weapons, as well as the six krogan wanted for the University of Serrice incident, are in the tunnels. Attempts to flood the tunnels with knockout gas have proven unsuccessful, as the krogan are wearing sealed combat hardsuits.
Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 81 Comments »
October 1st, 2011
Troops from the Council Demilitarization and Enforcement Mission entered Clan Torak’s ancestral capital, today, only to encounter another unexpected development. The clan’s leadership and defense forces have fled into a previously unknown series of tunnels under the city. The CDEM has followed, and is engaging in bloody, underground warfare against fortified Torak positions. CDEM representatives have stated they have reason to believe that stockpiles of prohibited weapons, as well as the six krogan wanted for the University of Serrice incident, are in the tunnels. Attempts to flood the tunnels with knockout gas have proven unsuccessful, as the krogan are wearing sealed combat hardsuits.
Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 81 Comments »