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Scientists, experts to discuss “Doomsday Clock”
October 21st, 2011

At an upcoming conference in the UNAS city of Chicago, a group of distinguished scientists, military commanders, diplomats, and analysts will consider how much danger sapient species are in from weapons of mass destruction, emerging biological and nanotechnological threats, and rampant artificial intelligences. The conference is sponsored by the Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, which traces its founding to 1947 CE. Since that year, the Bulletin has symbolized threats to sapient life with a “Doomsday Clock” with “midnight” representing catastrophic extinction. The Doomsday Clock has been set closer and further from midnight as threats have grown and receded. The clock was last changed in 2183, when it was it was moved to its current setting: four minutes to midnight.

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, Doomsday Clock, earth
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Ancient city unearthed on Sur’Kesh
October 20th, 2011

An archeological team on the salarian homeworld has unearthed what they believe to be the city of Eddyne. Once thought to be mere legend, Eddyne dates to the early salarian bronze age, and has been the setting of generations of salarian tales and fables. The city was discovered by accident, during an expedition searching the Calehas desert, in an attempt to document ancient salarian trade routes. Archeological experts are already calling the find one of the most important discoveries in salarian history, with Dr. Uligo Fronnus, the team leader, saying, “I’m excited by this discovery. It allows us to explore an entire part of salarian history that no one knew was true. The chance to separate truth from fiction will be fascinating.”

Tags: Calehas desert, Eddyne, Salarian Union, Sur'Kesh
Posted in Unofficial News | 12 Comments »


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Quarians wanted to join binary pulsar mission
October 19th, 2011

Quarian Admiral Han’Gerrel vas Neema has expressed his disdain over the fact that the quarians have been left out of a mission to the binary pulsar B1913. “Quarians have extensive experience dealing with the stellar life-and-death cycle. We have had operatives, including extremely high ranking quarian citizens, investigating dark energy emissions from pre-supernova stars. Our being left out of this mission is yet another symptom of the council’s unreasonable censure of our species.” The office of the council secretariat issued the following reply: “The exclusion of the quarians from the mission to B1913 was primarily due to the still classified nature of the Capella-class dreadnought element zero core, and not due to any lingering ill feelings stemming from their creation of the geth.”

Tags: B1913, Citadel Council, Han'Gerrel vas Neema, quarians
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Council races send expedition to binary pulsar
October 18th, 2011

According to sources close to the Citadel Council, a joint mission involving representatives from the council races will set off for the binary pulsar B1913, to conduct the first close approach ever undertaken by an organic species to this extreme type of stellar corpse. When a massive star explodes, it often leaves behind a dense core called a pulsar (a magnetized neutron star that spins thousands of times per second). Two such stars exploding close to each other can form binary pulsars, with spectacularly unique gravitational wave emissions. According to the citadel source, who chose to remain anonymous, this mission relies on the new Turian Capella-class dreadnought element zero core, which is able to generate sufficient dark energy to maintain a relatively stable and safe orbit near these dangerous objects.

Tags: B1913, Citadel Council
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »


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Ex-reporter sues Future Content Corporation
October 17th, 2011

Ex-Future Content Corporation reporter Tanil Tarizz officially filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against his former employers today, claiming, among other things, that the company unfairly discriminated against him and fired him in an attempt to crush his journalistic freedom. The FCC was quick to respond: The company gathered together 30 witnesses from Garvug, including civilians, aid workers, and soldiers from both sides of the conflict, who backed claims that Tarizz partially or completely fabricated events he reported in his stories. “Tanil Tarizz has no credibility,” an FCC spokesperson said. “He invented stories about Garvug, and now he’s inventing stories about the Future Content Corporation.”

Tags: FCC, Future Content Corporation, Tanil Tarizz
Posted in Unofficial News | 11 Comments »


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Deep Space Prince investigation continues
October 16th, 2011

The investigation of the Deep Space Prince continued today, with an announcement that the investigation team has transferred the freighter to the Citadel, and is taking it apart and conducting an intense analysis of every single piece of the ship. “We have an obligation to the Prince’s crew,” said Dr. Donald Palesky, the team leader. “We will not leave a single stone unturned, even if we have to do an individual molecular analysis of every nut and every bolt.” While answering questions, Dr. Palesky informed reporters that attempts to track the ship’s journey or reconstruct its databank records have failed, but reiterated his hope that his team will find answers soon.

Tags: Deep Space Prince
Posted in Unofficial News | 7 Comments »


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Screaming Pyjacks rock Palaven
October 15th, 2011

The Screaming Pyjacks took their reunion tour to Palaven last evening, with a concert where they surprised fans by introducing three more new songs. While not as well received as “Flower Sequel,” the fans seemed to agree that the new works were generally enjoyable. More importantly, several felt it was another strong sign that the Pyjacks could be getting back together. “They’re writing songs again,” said one member of the audience. “If they weren’t going to get back together, I don’t think they’d write this many new songs. This is the most excited I’ve been in 20 years. I’ve been hoping for something like this since I was in boot.”

Tags: Palaven, The Screaming Pyjacks
Posted in Unofficial News | 7 Comments »


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Prime Minister visits wards
October 14th, 2011

Following days of diplomatic talks, Prime Minister Amul Shastri spent his last day on the Citadel visiting Zakera, Kithoi, and Tayseri Wards, where he talked with residents, visited several orphanages and homeless shelters, and sampled several restaurants and shops. The excursion was responsible for tying up aircar and pedestrian traffic for hours. Though most residents seemed happy with the visits, the Prime Minister has been criticized by some Wards residents and politicians for causing delays, and for the overly strict security precautions taken by C-Sec and the Prime Minister’s MoJ bodyguards. Tala Zefgron, a Tayseri Ward resident, said, “I was three hours late to work today, and I had to submit to a security scan four times. All because some politician wanted to play tourist. I’m glad he’s going back to Alliance space in the morning.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Amul Shastri, citadel, Kithoi Ward, Systems Alliance, Tayseri Ward, Zakera Ward
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »


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Dr. Madeis speaks to press
October 13th, 2011

Dr. Moza Madeis spoke to the press, today, for the first time since being resuced from Eiava. During the brief event, the asari explained the horror of her 54 year ordeal. “My time on Eiava was terrible,” she said. “Most of the crew died in the crash. The rest didn’t survive long beyond that. The planet was full of predatory wildlife that was constantly hunting me. If I didn’t have my biotics… I don’t even want to think about what would have happened.” The doctor did, however, express gratitude to the Eldfell-Ashland crew that saved her, and went on to discuss her shock at the changed state of the galaxy. “I had never heard of the humans,” she said. “Now they’re everywhere. I understand how things change. But an attack on the Citadel, the restructuring of the Council… There’s so much to absorb.”

Tags: Eiava, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Moza Madeis
Posted in Unofficial News | 29 Comments »


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Torak tunnel fighting continues
October 12th, 2011

Underground fighting at Clan Torak continues, with the CDEM reporting heavy casualties and harsh conditions. Reports indicate that the krogan combatants are heavily armed, and that the tunnel system is massive, with an untold number of turns and fortified chambers. As the CDEM continues to send waves of troops underground, Torak Ral has released an extranet video in which he plays on the sympathy of the other clans, and calls on them to “follow me into battle against off world scum.” Although the CDEM has reported a few minor incidents elsewhere on Tuchanka, Ral seems to be gaining little sympathy. “Torak Ral always was soft in the head,” said one clan leader. “No one here is going to pick a fight with the CDEM just for him.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Torak Ral, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 102 Comments »


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Prime Minister visits embassy staff
October 11th, 2011

Systems Alliance Prime Minister Amul Shastri conducted a surprise, hour long visit with rank and file staff at the Alliance Embassy, today. The visit was meant to show the Prime Minister’s gratitude for the embassy staff’s hard work over the past few years, especially as the Alliance has faced greater diplomatic obligations associated with its new role in the galaxy. The Prime Minister reportedly made a small, off camera speech, and then shook hands with, talked to, and posed for photographs with several embassy employees. Most employees seemed thrilled with the visit, with one saying, “It was a great morale boost. We’ve been working so hard here. It’s nice to know we’re appreciated.”

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Amul Shastri, citadel, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 24 Comments »


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Prime Minister visits Citadel
October 10th, 2011

Systems Alliance Prime Minister Amul Shastri arrived on the Citadel today, beginning a planned, week-long visit to the station. The Prime Minister was greeted as he arrived by a small crowd of onlookers, who watched as he was whisked away by C-Sec and his MoJ bodyguards to visit with the Citadel Council. Most of the Prime Minister’s visit will be spent at personal meetings with individual Council members, as well as in talks with representatives from throughout Citadel Space. It is expected that trade and defense concerns will be high on the Prime Minister’s agenda, though he will not spend all of his time working: This evening, he is scheduled to attend a showing of the salarian play Saramel, followed by a reception at a private diplomatic residence on the Presidium.

[via Alliance Beacon]

Tags: Amul Shastri, citadel, Citadel Council, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 83 Comments »


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Missing asari found alive on Eiava
October 9th, 2011

Dr. Moza Madeis has been discovered by an Eldfell-Ashland survey crew on the remote Terminus Systems planet of Eiava. Dr. Madeis was once one of the most accomplished deep space surveyors in the galaxy, before she vanished in early 2132, while on an expedition to the Terminus Systems. Although the doctor has yet to speak to reporters, relayed accounts indicate that her expedition came under fire from a group of pirates, and that their ship crashed on Eiava. Dr. Madeis was the only survivor, and proceeded to spend the next 54 years stranded. Doctors report that Madeis is receiving medical treatment for malnourishment, as well as for several improperly healed injuries, but said that she is expected to survive.

Tags: Eiava, Eldfell-Ashland Energy, Moza Madeis, Terminus Systems
Posted in Unofficial News | 51 Comments »


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GBC News was considering FCC story
October 8th, 2011

A spokesperson from GBC News confirmed today that ex-Future Content Corporation Reporter Tanil Tarizz approached them with a story about Cerberus operators at the FCC. According to the spokesperson, GBC “was still verifying the story” when accusations emerged about stories Tarizz had written regarding the war on Garvug. “The Garvug accusations didn’t exactly help him,” said the spokesperson. “But we evaluate all story proposals on their own merit. Frankly, we opted not to run the FCC story because we felt that Tarizz failed to provide entirely convincing evidence and sources to back his claims.” In a statement of his own, Tarizz disputed that he had inadequate evidence for a story, and claimed he has so much evidence that he is “still considering a lawsuit against the FCC.”

Tags: cerberus, FCC, Future Content Corporation, GBC, GBC News, Tanil Tarizz
Posted in Unofficial News | 5 Comments »


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Investigation turns up freighter oddities
October 7th, 2011

Scientists from the Vol Protectorate, the Asari Republics, and the Turian Hierarchy have joined the team investigating the MSV Deep Space Prince. A leaked report on their early findings indicates they have discovered some irregularities. The findings confirm that the freighter contained the entire crew’s personal belongings, but that all records of the trip have been wiped. In an even stranger twist, the ship contains no biological evidence of habitation whatsoever. “It’s like the entire ship was sterilized,” wrote an investigator. “The crew’s things are there, but beyond that, there are no signs at all that sentients other than the rescue crew ever set foot on this ship. No finger prints, no fluid samples, not even skin flakes.”

Tags: Deep Space Prince
Posted in Unofficial News | 44 Comments »


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University of Armstrong students punished
October 6th, 2011

Two University of Armstrong students have been expelled, and another four suspended, as punishment for a prank that damaged the Aldrin Library’s collection of paper books. After two days of deliberation, the University’s disciplinary committee decided that two ringleaders, both upperclassmen who have been identified as planning the prank, should face the worst punishment. The suspended students are all freshmen and sophomores, and are expected to return to Armstrong after two semesters have passed. University of Armstrong students seem generally supportive of the decision, but a few seem to feel it is overly harsh. “It was just a prank,” said one upperclassman. “So what if a few books were damaged? Is it really worth ruining someone’s future over?”

Tags: Aldrin Library, University of Armstrong
Posted in Unofficial News | 38 Comments »


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Former reporter claims FCC has Cerberus ties
October 5th, 2011

Ex-Future Content Corporation Reporter Tanil Tarizz claimed today that his former employer is “riddled with reporters who harbor Cerberus loyalties,” and that the news organization is frequently used to pass coded messages to Cerberus agents, or to run stories with subtle, pro-Cerberus biases. “Most of the pro-Cerberus reporters, ironically, were hired in the aftermath of last year’s Ceberus ‘witch hunt,’” said Tarizz. “I’m half convinced Cerberus sparked the whole thing on purpose, so they could open positions at outfits like the FCC and move their own people in.” The reporter went on to claim that he had been developing a story on the matter for months, only to repeatedly have it blocked by his superiors. “I gave up on the FCC, and approached GBC News with my story,” Traizz said. “At that point, I was suddenly hit with accusations of ‘falsifying’ the news.”

Tags: cerberus, FCC, Future Content Corporation, GBC, GBC News, Tanil Tarizz
Posted in Unofficial News | 57 Comments »


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Torak protests spark fight
October 4th, 2011

Peace activists on the Citadel held new protests against the CDEM operation at Clan Torak, today. The protests were larger than previous events, and occured on the Presidium and in each of the wards. However, the Zakera Ward protests turned violent, after a group of counter protesters arrived and began hurling rotten fruit at peace demonstrators. The incident quickly escalated into a full scale brawl that required C-Sec intervention. At least 23 people have been arrested, a number of whom are CDEM veterans who wanted to show their displeasure with peace protests. “These protesters owe their freedom to the CDEM,” said one. “If they like the krogan so much, they should go live with them. Let them see what happens when they try to protest on Tuchanka.”

Tags: CDEM, citadel, Clan Torak, Zakera Ward
Posted in Unofficial News | 69 Comments »


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Former FCC reporter claims innocence
October 3rd, 2011

Mere weeks after admitting to falsifying stories, former Future Content Reporter Tanil Tarizz is once again claiming innocence. In a statement from his family home on Mannovai, Tarizz accused the FCC of setting him up. “They forced me to write that statement on my official blog,” he said. “They said they’d fire me unless I admitted to making up stories. But after I posted the blog entry, they went back on their word and fired me anyway. Now I’m speaking of my own free will. And I’m telling you that I’m innocent, and that I’ve been set up.” Tarizz refused to discuss his accusations in detail, but said that he is considering a range of actions against the FCC. “I might sue them. Or I might not,” he said. “Just talking could be enough. I know enough to bring the entire company to the ground.”

Tags: FCC, Future Content Corporation, Tanil Tarizz
Posted in Unofficial News | 9 Comments »


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Frontier colony hit hard by influenza
October 2nd, 2011

Reports from the Attican Traverse indicate that an Alliance colony is being hit hard by the flu. Although the influenza outbreak from earlier this year has mostly died down, it seems to have flared up significantly on the colony of New Hope, in the Hagerson System. Officials with the Alliance Center for Disease Control speculate that the outbreak may be particularly harsh there due to a combination of factors, including an underdeveloped sanitation system on the new colony. The colony is not under quarantine, but all humans and asari have been advised to exercise caution when traveling there.

Tags: influenza, New Hope
Posted in Unofficial News | 19 Comments »