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Council races send expedition to binary pulsar
October 18th, 2011

According to sources close to the Citadel Council, a joint mission involving representatives from the council races will set off for the binary pulsar B1913, to conduct the first close approach ever undertaken by an organic species to this extreme type of stellar corpse. When a massive star explodes, it often leaves behind a dense core called a pulsar (a magnetized neutron star that spins thousands of times per second). Two such stars exploding close to each other can form binary pulsars, with spectacularly unique gravitational wave emissions. According to the citadel source, who chose to remain anonymous, this mission relies on the new Turian Capella-class dreadnought element zero core, which is able to generate sufficient dark energy to maintain a relatively stable and safe orbit near these dangerous objects.

Tags: B1913, Citadel Council
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