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New Hope quarantine breached
November 10th, 2011

The quarantine of the New Hope colony was briefly breached today, when a group of freelance mercenaries who had been trapped on the colony led an uprising. The mercs, working with several colonists, killed four Alliance guards and hijacked an Alliance Center for Disease Control freighter that was offloading supplies. The freighter made orbit, but was destroyed by the SSV Gettysburg when it refused orders to return to the planet. The Gettysburg reports that they have found no survivors from the freighter, and the Alliance has stressed that no infected individuals made it out of the system.

Tags: influenza, New Hope
Posted in Unofficial News | 41 Comments »


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Trajectory of dreadnought round links to ancient battlefield
November 9th, 2011

The source of last week’s explosion on Mars has been discovered. Scientists mapped the trajectory of the round to the Jayle system in the Attican Traverse, and have discovered the remnants of a battle between two extinct races. One of the derelict ships was a close approximation to an Everest class dreadnought. Early speculation is that the dreadnought’s targeting computer may have been damaged, and gave the wrong targeting solution for its weapon. To quote Investigator James Hewitt: “Mars was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Tags: Attican Traverse, Mars
Posted in Unofficial News | 57 Comments »


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Shuttle accident caused by VI error
November 8th, 2011

The Salarian Union reports that the deaths of 8 STG trainees were caused by a shuttle VI processing error. The news has caused turmoil within the Citadel defense establishment, as the salarian military has grounded its entire fleet of Sur’Karha class light assault shuttles. “Each Sur’Karha assault shuttle has the same design as the one that killed our trainees,” said a Salarian Union representative. “Each also has the same VI program. We are continuing to investigate this matter, but until we have a better idea of what risks they might pose, our Sur’Karha class shuttles are grounded.” The Council reports that human, asari, and turian forces are being asked to fill in for critical missions the salarians are temporarily incapable of performing.

Tags: Citadel Council, Salarian Union, STG, Sur'Karha class light assault shuttle


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Officials track origins of virus mutation
November 7th, 2011

As the death toll on the New Hope colony continues to mount, Alliance officials report that they have finally tracked the origins of the mutated influenza. According to researchers, the virus began when the influenza strain that spread throughout the Alliance earlier this year mutated with a New Hope virus that primarily infects native wildlife. Scientists are stunned by this revelation. “We shouldn’t see Earth illnesses interacting with non-Earth illnesses this way,” said Dr. Meghan Bryer. “But the influenza strain this came from always was tricky. It was the only known strain to also infect asari.”

Tags: influenza, New Hope
Posted in Unofficial News | 28 Comments »


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Salarian soldiers killed
November 6th, 2011

The salarian government reports that 8 STG trainees have been killed in an accident. The trainees, all experienced Salarian Union military operatives who were seeking to join the STG program, were attempting to land on a remote moon, for a simulated rapid assault on a zero atmosphere world. While on approach to the moon, however, the shuttle carrying the trainees lost control, and crashed into the surface. No shuttle passengers survived the crash, and salarian investigators have reportedly begun an investigation into the accident’s cause.

Tags: Salarian Union, STG


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Explosion on Mars discovered to be dreadnought round
November 5th, 2011

Startling news from Mars, today, where investigators have come to the conclusion that the recent explosion there was produced by a round from the main gun of a dreadnought. Alliance investigators are questioning representatives of the other major powers, who are all claiming no knowledge of any discharges from their respective dreadnoughts. This has raised fears that a rogue party may have constructed one of these weapons of mass destruction.

Tags: Mars, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 48 Comments »


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Police forces visit C-Sec
November 4th, 2011

Representatives from thirty police forces throughout the Systems Alliance have arrived on the Citadel for a two week training and development session with C-Sec. The goal is for the representatives to learn skills and procedures that have been honed by C-Sec over the course of centuries. The session is said to be particularly useful for departments that are facing growing populations of non-humans in their home jurisdictions. “C-Sec has been dealing with multi-species enforcement for centuries,” said Captain Thomas Hurst, a representative from the New York City Police Department. “They have valuable lessons to teach.”

Tags: c-sec, citadel, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 61 Comments »


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Massive explosion rocks Mars
November 3rd, 2011

Reports from Mars have detailed an explosion not unlike a meteorite impact, with the force of 48 kilotons of TNT, at about the midpoint between Olympus mons and Ascraeus mons. No one was hurt by the ensuing shock-wave, but a few bio-dome structures were damaged in the nearby town of Peyton. Authorities are currently uncertain as to what caused the explosion, but it is suspected to have been a meteorite or comet that entered the Martian atmosphere.

Tags: Mars
Posted in Unofficial News | 49 Comments »


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Alliance diplomats discuss mutated influenza outbreak
November 2nd, 2011

Alliance diplomats on the Citadel met with diplomats from the Asari Republics regarding the outbreak on the New Hope colony, today. Alliance representatives noted that it is not yet certain whether the mutated influenza has the same ability to infect asari that the original strain exhibited earlier this year. They also assured the asari that the New Hope colony is safely quarantined, and that Alliance Center for Disease Control personnel are working to solve the situation. Nevertheless, reports indicate that the Asari Republics are on edge, and are seeking to tighten disease screening procedures on the Citadel, as well as at spaceports in their own territory.

Tags: Asari Republics, citadel, influenza, New Hope, Systems Alliance


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New Hope quarantine ongoing
November 1st, 2011

Officials continue to struggle with the outbreak on the New Hope colony, but have produced few answers. What was once considered a generally non-fatal strain of the influenza seems to have morphed into something different. “The strain has changed,” said Dr. Meghan Bryer. “It’s not the same. There’s something almost alien about it.” Each settlement on New Hope is under isolation, but it is reported that less than 1% of the colonists test free of the disease, with a small number of infected carrying the illness without showing symptoms. Carriers and the uninfected are being examined to determine the source of their resistance, but the attitude on Arcturus Station is that the future of the New Hope colony does not look bright.

Tags: influenza, New Hope
Posted in Unofficial News | 18 Comments »


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Humans celebrate Halloween
October 31st, 2011

Many human worlds celebrate Halloween today, and Presidium businessman Hollis Westin wants to make sure that everyone is part of the fun. Westin has organized an open “Halloween celebration” at the Ratara Resort Ballroom, in Zakera Ward. The celebration, which is being held free of charge, will feature several traditional Halloween themes, including a costume contest, levo and dextro snacks, and a traditional human game known as “bobbing for apples,” with paltara fruits substituted for turian participants. Kitt For, a long-time friend of Westin, and CEO of the Presidium based Protectorate Imports Company, told reports that he plans to attend with his exo-suit detailed to look like a Jack-O-Lantern. “I think it’s important to have a sense of humor,” he said. “These Earth-clan know how to throw a good party, and I plan to be part of the fun.”

Tags: citadel, Halloween, Hollis Westin, Kitt For, Zakera Ward


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Scientist dismissed from freighter investigation
October 30th, 2011

A Vol Protectorate scientist has been dismissed from the investigation of the MSV Deep Space Prince, after reports surfaced that he has been selling parts of the freighter on the extranet. Authorities became suspicious of Dr. Merd Klet after the users of several extranet forums reported posts offering to sell pieces of the Prince. Unfortunately, the scientist was not stopped before at least twelve small items were sold and sent to buyers across the galaxy. “We are trying to track the missing pieces, but it seems that most may be outside of C Space jurisdiction,” said one C-Sec investigator. “Rest assured that we are looking into filing charges against Merd Klet for his actions.”

Tags: Deep Space Prince, Merd Klet
Posted in Unofficial News | 37 Comments »


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Doomsday clock moved closer to midnight
October 29th, 2011

At the conclusion of its conference on threats to sapient life, the Board of the Bulletin of the Physical Scientists moved the hands of its famed “Doomsday Clock” forward. “It is now two minutes to midnight,” said a statement from Board’s chair, Professor Pravin Lal of Oxford University. “Humanity–indeed, all sapient life–treads perilously close to oblivion. Not since humanity’s discovery of other life in the galaxy nearly provoked galactic war has the danger to our species been so palpable, and not since the Rachni Wars has the galaxy as a whole faced such intractable threats. In these dangerous times, we all have a responsibility to speak truth to power, especially if it might induce action to reduce the threats facing all sapient life. To do anything less would be negligent.” The Bulletin’s full statement is accessible via the extranet, keyword “Doomsday.”

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, Doomsday Clock, earth


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Conference discusses missing colonies
October 28th, 2011

Contentious debate on the fate of missing Alliance colonies—and the objectives of those attacking them—was the centerpiece of today’s conference on threats to humanity and sapient life. Renowned salarian xenostrategist Iorit Marsal caused a stir when he attributed the attacks to criminal groups, and claimed the Alliance has “overextended their military capabilities, and now complains like a child that has eaten too much candy.” Other witnesses, like retired Alliance Admiral Jacques D’Allaire, saw things differently. Admiral D’Allaire noted that the attackers appeared to bypass nearby, less well-defended colonies of other species. “What keeps me up at night is how damned thorough these attackers were,” D’Allaire said; “Every last colonist missing and presumed dead. Slavers are cowards and opportunists. Batarians are in it for bragging rights. These attackers apparently care about neither. We don’t know what they want, and that makes them a threat.”

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, earth, Systems Alliance


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Influenza outbreak turns fatal
October 27th, 2011

The New Hope colony has been quarantined today, after reports that the influenza outbreak there has turned fatal. Experts have expressed surprise at this turn of events. “Three days ago, patients at New Hope’s main medical center began vomiting blood,” said Dr. Meghan Bryer, with the Alliance Center for Disease Control. “By this morning, they were dead. We’re not sure what has caused this turn of events, especially given the limited fatalities we’ve seen from this strain elsewhere. But we’re working to figure it out.”

Tags: influenza, New Hope
Posted in Unofficial News | 20 Comments »


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Activists claim unrestricted science poses risk
October 26th, 2011

Is the galaxy’s scientific research becoming too dangerous to handle? A number of activists made that case yesterday at the conference on threats to sapient life. Chief among these was Professor Samaasvir, a hanar surgeon and ethicist from the Enkindled Academy of Kahje, and the head of the Intergalactic Coalition for Moral Science. Samaasvir told the conference that uncontrolled biological, nanotechnological, and AI research could lead to disaster if such research is not carefully controlled by governments. “It is disturbing enough to hear reports of such dangerous work in Citadel space,” he said, “but it alarms this one to hear of terrorist syndicates like Cerberus and the Shadow Broker conducting dangerous research beyond the reach of any law.” Samaasvir called for the Citadel Council to increase the number of Spectres, and give them even broader powers to investigate and shut down any dangerous research project in the galaxy, by force if necessary.

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, earth, Samaasvir
Posted in Unofficial News | 47 Comments »


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A.I. experts speculate on geth actions, intentions
October 25th, 2011

The conference on threats to sapient life recently considered the reasons for geth operations outside the Perseus Vail. “Determining the intentions of geth is difficult because they do not think as other sapients do,” testified Matriarch Niraiis, a technologist who consulted with the geths’ quarian developers over 300 years ago. “Geth are functionally immortal; they cannot ‘die,’ their programs upload and download to new bodies at will. Geth are also optimized for strategic and tactical thinking. New inputs – raw data, analysis, directives–are shared among all geth programs at beyond FTL speed. And there are no divisions in the geth collective consciousness; once a strategic decision has been made, all programs execute it.” Niraiis argued that the geth attacks on Citadel space over the last few years have been a large-scale reconnaissance in force designed to probe the extent of sapient defenses, noting “it costs them nothing in the short-term, it keeps us on alert, and it gives them a chance to refine their battle plans.”

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: artifical intelligence, Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, earth, geth
Posted in Unofficial News | 35 Comments »


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CDEM forces withdraw from Clan Torak
October 24th, 2011

The CDEM has withdrawn their forces from Clan Torak’s territory. The group left after seizing what remained of the clan’s illegal weapons, as well as after setting off charges to collapse the tunnel system beneath the ancestral capital. Clan Torak selected a new leader almost immediately following the CDEM’s withdraw, in the hope of minimizing chances of any border incursions from the neighboring Republic of Ghurst. Reports have surfaced of Ghurst forces entering Torak territory, however, in an apparent attempt to test the strength of surviving Torak defenses. Meanwhile, Torak Vaark, the new clan leader, released a statement in which he portrayed the fight with the CDEM as a victory. “The off worlders faced us in direct combat, and they were forced to retreat,” said Vaark. “They learned that Clan Torak is to be feared!”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Republic of Ghurst, Torak Vaark, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 72 Comments »


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Defector claims Hegemony seeks destabilization
October 23rd, 2011

The Batarian Hegemony “will use every means in its power to encourage galactic destabilization.” This was the conclusion of highly-anticipated testimony today from Thoro’nak Orlom, at the Earth based conference on threats to sapient life. Orlom, a former Hegemony general and the highest ranking military officer ever to defect from the Hegemony, spent two hours briefing the assembled experts on the Hegemony’s capabilities and intentions. At the end of his testimony, Orlom wept as he described the fate of his son, who was “demoted” into slavery for distributing an underground newsletter criticizing the Hegemony’s military policy. “The Hegemony has taken everything that was once good and noble in the batarian soul, and they are consuming it as fuel for perpetual war, even against our own children. There is no hope left for us. You speak of a ‘doomsday’ today, but my people are already doomed to die, if not by your hands, then by our own.”

[via Galactic Policy Magazine]

Tags: Batarian Hegemony, Bulletin of the Physical Scientists, earth, Thoro'nak Orlom
Posted in Unofficial News | 69 Comments »


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Fighting at Clan Torak ends
October 22nd, 2011

All fighting at Clan Torak has ended. The CDEM reports that, following weeks of brutal combat, they have finished pacifying the tunnels underneath the Torak ancestral capital, with all defending Torak warriors either dead or in custody. The list of Torak casualties includes six Torak warriors wanted for the deaths of the University of Serrice science expedition, as well as clan leader Torak Ral, who died engaging CDEM members in hand to hand combat. The CDEM has released a list of their own killed or wounded to the press. The numbers seem to indicate that the operation is one of the CDEM’s bloodiest in decades. A spokesperson announced today that CDEM forces “will finish searching for prohibited materials, and then withdraw from Torak territory.”

Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Torak Ral, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 36 Comments »