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CDEM forces withdraw from Clan Torak
October 24th, 2011
The CDEM has withdrawn their forces from Clan Torak’s territory. The group left after seizing what remained of the clan’s illegal weapons, as well as after setting off charges to collapse the tunnel system beneath the ancestral capital. Clan Torak selected a new leader almost immediately following the CDEM’s withdraw, in the hope of minimizing chances of any border incursions from the neighboring Republic of Ghurst. Reports have surfaced of Ghurst forces entering Torak territory, however, in an apparent attempt to test the strength of surviving Torak defenses. Meanwhile, Torak Vaark, the new clan leader, released a statement in which he portrayed the fight with the CDEM as a victory. “The off worlders faced us in direct combat, and they were forced to retreat,” said Vaark. “They learned that Clan Torak is to be feared!”
Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Republic of Ghurst, Torak Vaark, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 72 Comments »
October 24th, 2011
The CDEM has withdrawn their forces from Clan Torak’s territory. The group left after seizing what remained of the clan’s illegal weapons, as well as after setting off charges to collapse the tunnel system beneath the ancestral capital. Clan Torak selected a new leader almost immediately following the CDEM’s withdraw, in the hope of minimizing chances of any border incursions from the neighboring Republic of Ghurst. Reports have surfaced of Ghurst forces entering Torak territory, however, in an apparent attempt to test the strength of surviving Torak defenses. Meanwhile, Torak Vaark, the new clan leader, released a statement in which he portrayed the fight with the CDEM as a victory. “The off worlders faced us in direct combat, and they were forced to retreat,” said Vaark. “They learned that Clan Torak is to be feared!”
Tags: CDEM, Clan Torak, Republic of Ghurst, Torak Vaark, tuchanka
Posted in Unofficial News | 72 Comments »