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Extranet site backs New Hope claims
December 20th, 2011
A new extranet site has opened to back the claims of Dr. Samir Sridar. NewHopeTruth alleges that the New Hope colony was attacked by a nanotech virus, and implicates a wide range of individuals and organizations, including Prime Minister Amul Shastri, the Turian Hierarchy, the Vol Protectorate, and the Binary Helix Corporation. The site’s operator, a salarian who calls herself “Dalatrass X,” said, “Our goal is to reveal what the establishment doesn’t want you to know: That the entire galaxy is in danger from an engineered nanobot virus.” Several relatives of deceased New Hope colonists have criticized the site, and in a statement today, the Alliance Center for Disease Control said, “NewHopeTruth is spreading irresponsible lies based on hatred and paranoia. They should be ashamed.”
Tags: Dalatrass X, New Hope, NewHopeTruth, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »
December 20th, 2011
A new extranet site has opened to back the claims of Dr. Samir Sridar. NewHopeTruth alleges that the New Hope colony was attacked by a nanotech virus, and implicates a wide range of individuals and organizations, including Prime Minister Amul Shastri, the Turian Hierarchy, the Vol Protectorate, and the Binary Helix Corporation. The site’s operator, a salarian who calls herself “Dalatrass X,” said, “Our goal is to reveal what the establishment doesn’t want you to know: That the entire galaxy is in danger from an engineered nanobot virus.” Several relatives of deceased New Hope colonists have criticized the site, and in a statement today, the Alliance Center for Disease Control said, “NewHopeTruth is spreading irresponsible lies based on hatred and paranoia. They should be ashamed.”
Tags: Dalatrass X, New Hope, NewHopeTruth, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »