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Three killed in Intai’sei shooting
December 14th, 2011

A gunman killed three people and wounded two at the Intai’sei Capitol during the historic swearing-in ceremony for Councilor Korat Udorn. Udorn and Councilor Tseng-Chen Kuo were wounded; both were struck in the chest and are in critical condition. Among the dead are two unidentified Intai’sei Colonial Police officers, and Udorn’s oldest daughter, 13-year old Arasi Udorn. Witnesses say that the gunman took the officers by surprise, shooting them at a distance with an unregistered M5 Phalanx pistol equipped with a laser sight. Arasi attacked the gunman and tried to wrestle the pistol away, but was shot in the head during the struggle and died at the scene. The gunman was then tackled by bystanders and taken into custody. ICP officials have not released his identity.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Arasi Udorn, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Tseng-Chen Kuo
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