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Extranet site backs New Hope claims
December 20th, 2011

A new extranet site has opened to back the claims of Dr. Samir Sridar. NewHopeTruth alleges that the New Hope colony was attacked by a nanotech virus, and implicates a wide range of individuals and organizations, including Prime Minister Amul Shastri, the Turian Hierarchy, the Vol Protectorate, and the Binary Helix Corporation. The site’s operator, a salarian who calls herself “Dalatrass X,” said, “Our goal is to reveal what the establishment doesn’t want you to know: That the entire galaxy is in danger from an engineered nanobot virus.” Several relatives of deceased New Hope colonists have criticized the site, and in a statement today, the Alliance Center for Disease Control said, “NewHopeTruth is spreading irresponsible lies based on hatred and paranoia. They should be ashamed.”

Tags: Dalatrass X, New Hope, NewHopeTruth, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 22 Comments »


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Athletes criticize Biotic Games tradition
December 19th, 2011

Controversy has come to the Biotic Games, today. Despite basking in the afterglow of victories by Viktor Kohl and Zhao Chi, several human athletes staged a short protest, during which they presented a formal complaint against long standing Biotic Games tradition. The complaint, which has been co-signed by two turian athletes, as well as several salarians and the elcor athlete Petalaz, claims that holding the competition once a century unfairly benefits the asari, as their athletes are, for the most part, the only ones who have a chance to gain experience at multiple Biotic Games. The Biotic Games Commission has taken a neutral stance, and promised to “consider” the complaint. However, Shi’Tala holder Neleena T’Mesai was less diplomatic. “This is asari tradition. The others are only invited out of good faith,” a visibly angry T’Mesai told reporters. “If they have a problem, let them compete in the the humans’ so-called ‘Olympics.’ I understand they’ve added a few trifling biotic events.”

Tags: Biotic Games, Neleena T'Mesai, Petalaz
Posted in Unofficial News | 92 Comments »


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Human wins biotic diving competition
December 18th, 2011

Zhao Chi won the final round biotic diving competition, today, besting asari, salarian, and turian competitors and winning the second ever Shi’Tala title for the Systems Alliance. The athlete repeated past performances by once again amazing the audience, judges, and fellow participants with his grace and form. Following the competition, he merely told reporters, “I’m proud,” when asked for a response to his victory. It is expected that he will join Viktor Kohl for a celebration on the Citadel before he returns to his home in Hong Kong, on Earth.

Tags: Biotic Games, Systems Alliance, Viktor Kohl, Zhao Chi
Posted in Unofficial News | 13 Comments »


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Conspiracy theorist has rocky past
December 17th, 2011

Dr. Samir Sridar has once again dropped from public view, as investigations into his background have revealed a rocky past. Five years ago, the doctor was suffering major problems from alcohol and drug abuse that cost him his marriage, and nearly cost him his job. Friends and family report that he has been clean for the past few years, but that the incident at the New Hope colony took a toll on him. “You can’t trust what Samir says when he’s like this,” said Dr. Meghan Bryer. “He’s clearly drinking again, and he’s probably dusting, too. If you see him, could you tell him to come home? He needs help.”

Tags: influenza, New Hope, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 19 Comments »


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Asari dominating Biotic Games
December 16th, 2011

Despite the recent Alliance victory in the tela’nal competition, the Systems Alliance has generally been faring poorly at the Biotic Games, with the Asari Republics dominating the competitions. So far, 26 Shi’Tala titles have been claimed for the asari, compared to twelve for the turians, eight for the salarians, three for the Illuminated Primacy, two for the krogan, and one for the Systems Alliance. Competitors from no other delegation have walked away with a Shi’Tala title. A review of recent Biotic Games shows this to be a common trend. The asari last won a minority of Shi’Tala titles in 1286 CE, and have dominated most of the games since then.

Tags: Asari Republics, Biotic Games, Illuminated Primacy, krogan, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 29 Comments »


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Alliance doctor interviewed on Omega
December 15th, 2011

GBC News reporter Carl Shipley has conducted an interview with Dr. Samir Sridar. In the interview, conducted at the Afterlife Nightclub, on Omega, a clearly intoxicated Sridar repeated his claims that the official New Hope story is a cover up. “They invented a story about an alien-influenza hybrid,” Sridar said. “In reality, someone was playing with nanotech. It was a nanotech virus, programmed to kill any human who didn’t meet certain genetic standards. And as bad as it is with humans, it’s 100% fatal to non-humans.” Dr. Sridar ended the interview by saying that he “had evidence to back his claims,” but that the OSD was stolen from him on Illium. “I barely got away with my life,” he added.

Tags: Carl Shipley, influenza, New Hope, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 49 Comments »


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Three killed in Intai’sei shooting
December 14th, 2011

A gunman killed three people and wounded two at the Intai’sei Capitol during the historic swearing-in ceremony for Councilor Korat Udorn. Udorn and Councilor Tseng-Chen Kuo were wounded; both were struck in the chest and are in critical condition. Among the dead are two unidentified Intai’sei Colonial Police officers, and Udorn’s oldest daughter, 13-year old Arasi Udorn. Witnesses say that the gunman took the officers by surprise, shooting them at a distance with an unregistered M5 Phalanx pistol equipped with a laser sight. Arasi attacked the gunman and tried to wrestle the pistol away, but was shot in the head during the struggle and died at the scene. The gunman was then tackled by bystanders and taken into custody. ICP officials have not released his identity.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Arasi Udorn, Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Tseng-Chen Kuo
Posted in Unofficial News | 89 Comments »


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Human wins tela’nal competition
December 13th, 2011

Viktor Kohl narrowly won the tela’nal biotic martial arts competition, today, edging out asari competitor Renaya T’Malar in the final round. The victory is stunning, if only because few expected Kohl to make it to the final round, let alone that he would be capable of defeating T’Malar, a former asari commando. Kohl, the first human ever to win the title at the Biotic Games, has become an instant celebrity throughout the Alliance. “It’s an honor, but it’s also a little strange,” he said. “I’m not used to this much attention.” A celebration is being held for Kohl this evening, and he is expected to be honored at a ceremony at the human embassy on the Citadel during a stopover on his return trip to his home, on Eden Prime.

Tags: Asari Republics, Biotic Games, Renaya T'Malar, Systems Alliance, Viktor Kohl
Posted in Unofficial News | 24 Comments »


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Turian wins thelac competition
December 12th, 2011

Partus Partel claimed the title of Shi’Tala in the thelac style biotic martial arts competition, winning a surprise upset over the asari in a sport they have traditionally dominated. The victory is yet another setback for the Systems Alliance, which saw a perceived strong competitor fall to defeat early in the completion. Instead, the Hierarchy athlete, a heavily decorated, former front line soldier, shot ahead in points early in the competition, and easily maintained his dominance over other competitors. Although many Systems Alliance observers have become disheartened at the Alliance’s poor showing, many are holding out hope for tomorrow’s tela’nal martial arts competition, as well as the upcoming biotic diving finals.

Tags: Asari Republics, Biotic Games, Partus Partel, Systems Alliance, Turian Hierarchy
Posted in Unofficial News | 28 Comments »


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Doctor’s statements spark rumors
December 11th, 2011

An extranet video posted by Dr. Samir Sridar has sparked rumors throughout the galaxy. In the video, Dr. Sridar claims that the deaths on New Hope were not caused by a mutated influenza virus, as is being publically reported. “The whole thing is a cover up,” Dr. Sridar said. “It wasn’t really a virus. It was something worse. Most of the officials claiming to be with Disease Control weren’t even doctors. They were Alliance Intelligence, or military. One was even a Spectre.” Dr. Sridar says he has evidence to back his claims, but the Alliance Center for Disease Control has called the allegations “preposterous,” and noted that it has posted much of the data from New Hope on the extranet, “for all to see.”

Tags: influenza, New Hope, Samir Sridar
Posted in Unofficial News | 38 Comments »


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Asari wins tal’nara competition
December 10th, 2011

Leala Theynaya claimed the title of Shi’Tala in the tal’nara competition today, winning for the Asari Republics one of the eight different kinds of biotic martial arts practiced at the Biotic Games. Theynaya easily defeated competetors from the Systems Alliance, the Salarian Union, and the Turian Heirarchy. In a surprise twist, Petalaz, the elcor competitor, proved to be Theynaya’s toughest challenge. Petalaz went head to head with Theynaya for twenty-two rounds, before giving in to exhaustion. Theynaya seemed proud to claim the title, as this is the first time it has been awarded to her, despite her participation in four separate Biotic Games.

Tags: Asari Republics, Biotic Games, Leala Theynaya, Petalaz
Posted in Unofficial News | 12 Comments »


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Alliance doctor reported missing
December 9th, 2011

A doctor who worked with officials at the New Hope colony has been reported missing, today. Dr. Samir Sridar was with the Alliance Center for Disease Control team that studied the initial spread of the influenza outbreak there. Dr. Sridar returned to Arcturus Station recently, but has not reported to work in over a week. Friends and co-workers describe the doctor as on edge since his return, and are worried about his well-being. Authorities are requesting that anyone with knowledge of Dr. Sridar’s location contact the Alliance, or their nearest C Space law enforcement agency.

Tags: influenza, New Hope, Samir Sridar, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 13 Comments »


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Asari competitor wins multi-terrain competition
December 8th, 2011

The Alliance fared poorly in the final round of the multi-terrain, biotic endurance competition. Dwight Franks managed to stay competitive through the swimming and running rounds, demonstrating an ability to maintain successive biotic lift fields while engaging in strenuous physical activities. The athlete fell considerably behind during the mountain climbing portion, however, and was quickly overtaken by asari, salarian, and turian competitors. Neleena T’Mesai went on to claim the title of Shi’Tala, the third such title she has claimed at three separate Biotic Games. Following the competition, T’Mesai complimented each of her competitors for their performance. “The humans managed a great effort, considering this is their first biotic games,” she said of the Alliance. “Perhaps they will do even better when they are more mature.”

Tags: Asari Republics, Biotic Games, Dwight Franks, Neleena T'Mesai, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 57 Comments »


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Intai’sei Councilor-Elect lays out legislative agenda
December 7th, 2011

Having made history as the first non-human elected to office on Intai’sei, Colonial Councilor-Elect Korat Udorn got down to business today. Appearing at a press conference with Council Speaker Peter Davitt, Udorn pledged his support to the Council’s Social Democrat majority. “As a resident of a rural riding spanning 30 million square kilometers, I know how important rural development is to our colony. As a businessman, I know that businesses have obligations to our community as well our bottom line. And as a father of four, I know that a quality education is something we can give every child. That’s why I’m proud to be a Social Democrat.” The press conference was briefly interrupted by a man shouting obscenities and slurs at Udorn; the man was quickly removed by police and cited for disorderly conduct. Udorn, meanwhile, is expected to take office next week.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Peter Davitt
Posted in Unofficial News | 18 Comments »


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Krogan wins biotic weightlifting competition
December 6th, 2011

The first “final round” event was held at the Biotic Games today, with Jorgal Kalt winning the title of Shi’Tala in the biotic weightlifting competition. The outcome was a bitter disappointment for the Systems Alliance, which saw Alexa Glassley make it to the final round, only to narrowly lose the title to Kalt. Had she won, Glassley would have been the first human to pick up the title of Shi’Tala at any Biotic game. Kalt, meanwhile, proudly told reporters that his victory “is a victory for all krogan,” and said, “I hope my role in these games will help dispel negative stereotypes, especially in light of the recent conflict with Clan Torak.”

Tags: Alexa Glassley, Biotic Games, Jorgal Kalt, krogan, Systems Alliance
Posted in Unofficial News | 23 Comments »


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First non-human elected on Intai’sei talks to press
December 5th, 2011

Councilor-Elect Korat Udorn sat down with the Thoreau Republic to talk about being the first non-human elected to office on Intai’sei. Udorn recalled watching his biological parents succumb to Kepral’s syndrome. “I was begging at the docks on Kahje when a human freighter captain and his wife found me and took me in. They were the first non-drell who showed me compassion.” Udorn learned the starship trade from his adoptive parents, but decided to settle on Intai’sei after marrying his wife Nikal, an artist. “She didn’t want to settle on a human colony, she’d heard all the horror stories. 13 years later… let’s just say the people here have given us so much. I’m just giving back what I can.”

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Intai'sei, Korat Udorn, Thoreau Republic
Posted in Unofficial News | 9 Comments »


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Salarian photojournalist announces Earth project
December 4th, 2011

Earth is often perceived negatively, due in part to reports of poverty, crime, and inadequate infrastructure. However, an effort to combat that perception is being launched by a surprising source: Klinga Sannoven, the salarian photojournalist. Sannoven plans to spend the next six months gathering photographs of Earth’s major cities and wildlife preserves. “I lived on Earth for three years as a Salarian News Agency photographer, and I loved it there” said Sannoven. “Much of what I hear being said about Earth couldn’t be any less true, and usually it’s individuals who have never been there who are saying it. My aim is to show them what it’s really like.”

Tags: earth, Klinga Sannoven
Posted in Unofficial News | 18 Comments »


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Drell elected to Intai’sei Colonial Council
December 3rd, 2011

In a startling upset, drell businessman Korat Udorn has been elected to the Intai’sei Colonial Council. Udorn, believed to be the first non-human elected to office on Intai’sei, was certified as the winner of a five-way race in yesterday’s by-election in the Montana River Valley riding. Udorn fills the seat left open by the death of Councilor Angus McDowell, who had represented the riding’s 10,800 residents on the 15-member Colonial Council for the past eight years. Orphaned as a child and adopted by human parents, Udorn became a naturalized Alliance citizen in 2170. He ran for office as a member of the Social Democratic Party, and lives in Cairnhall with his wife and children, where he owns a starship dealership.

[via the Thoreau Republic]

Tags: Intai'sei, Korat Udorn
Posted in Unofficial News | 53 Comments »


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VIs based on wide range of individuals
December 2nd, 2011

Reports from C-Sec indicate that the illegal VIs confiscated in yesterday’s raids are based on a wide range of celebrities, politicians, and media figures. The most widely confiscated VIs are modeled on Mya, the asari pop singer, Ronbus Okel, the comedian, and Aish Ashland, the celebrity. Numerous VIs were also reported of turian General Partinax, Systems Alliance Prime Minister Shastri, and Emily Wong, a Citadel journalist. The biggest surprise, however, were reports of several hundred VIs that are based on Sohl’Atar nar Klemcheck, the so called “quarian Facinus.” According to one C-Sec source, “The Sohl’Atar VI is a popular commodity with separatist supporters, and with some counter-culture types in university neighborhoods. She’s become something of a hero to them. You can even find her on pins and t-shirts that are sold in certain stores.”

Tags: aish ashland, Amul Shastri, Emily Wong, General Partinax, Mya, Ronbus Okel, Sohl'Atar nar Klemcheck
Posted in Unofficial News | 19 Comments »


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C-Sec cracks down on illegal VIs
December 1st, 2011

C-Sec launched a series of multi-ward raids today to crack down on VI programs that are illegally based on living individuals. The raids resulted in the arrests of nearly 200 small time fences, hackers, and black market merchants. Critics have accused C-Sec of caving into pressure from media companies and celebrities, and have complained that the efforts divert C-Sec resources from more important efforts against organized crime. However, a C-Sec spokesperson told reporters, “Breaking the law is breaking the law. These raids help to clean up the streets.”

Tags: c-sec, citadel
Posted in Unofficial News | 25 Comments »