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Huerta wins Presidential legal battle


The nations of Earth are in suspense tonight as the Systems Alliance hears Ford v. Huerta, the first case of a human leader using reconstructive data storage to prolong his brain functions and stay physically capable to perform his duties. Speaker of the House Lisa Ford has led the charge against Huerta, saying that the last year of his term was illegitimate. A stroke left the President legally dead and in cryocool for an hour and a half before his brain functions were fully transferred to a computer. The amount of memory degradation was never fully revealed. According to the United North American States’ line of succession, if Huerta was considered dead, then power would transfer to the Vice President and Speaker Ford would have held the position of Vice President for the last year.

Expert witnesses were introduced today in the Systems Alliance trial of Ford v. Huerta, starting with the petitioner’s side. Dr. Samuel Wachhaus testified today that President Huerta was brain-dead for too long to make a full recovery. Questioned on Huerta’s apparent cognitive health afterward, Wachhaus testified that the VI ran Huerta’s artificial memory so successfully that it took over his brain functions so that “there was no Huerta anymore. This is not a person with a VI memory, it’s a VI with a partially-organic operating system”. The respondent’s experts will begin testimony tomorrow.

Expert witness Dr. Lin Shiyin testified in the Systems Alliance trial of Ford v. Huerta today. He claimed that the former president made a full recovery from a temporarily brain-dead state. Stumbling a little when grilled on Huerta’s timeline of cognition, Lin nevertheless made the case for Huerta being in full control once his motor functions and memory were assigned synthetic analogues. “To believe that he is now a different person, a synthetic, is to draw a line where no line is needed,” he argued. “A new man did not appear on the table when the first open-heart surgery was performed. His life was merely extended beyond what was thought possible at the time.”

The controversial Earth court case of Ford v. Huerta came to a close today with a 5-4 decision supporting the end of the President’s term. Chief Justice Ling announced, “This is not the first time human beings have technically died only to be brought back with proper medical attention. That the window of resuscitation has lengthened is no reason to support a partisan attack on the legitimacy of the President. The legal definition of death must be expanded beyond brain death to include cellular death as well”. Following the decision, protestors erupted into violence on the Washington, D.C., Mall and in Mexico City’s Chapultepec Park. The crowds chanting “Down with the zombie!” were quickly suppressed as riot police cleared the capitols with microwaves and stunners. More protests are reportedly planned for the weekend.

Late-night comedians are weighing in on Ford v. Huerta, the court case that has enough cyborgs, presidents, and controversy to be a Hollywood blockbuster in its own right. Cal DiCosimo said, “We’re supposed to care that the President was brain dead after his stroke? What I don’t get is that a room full of doctors said he had brain activity before it.” Natasha Lyons targeted the Speaker of the House, saying, “Her entire argument is that for the last year, she’s wanted to be Vice President. I’m sorry, honey, you don’t get out of working that easily.” And Manny Zupo gave his analysis: “For the last year, we’ve had a zombie cyborg president. Why does the speaker want this to end? Every twelve-year-old can now go to class and say ‘my president’s just as cool as the asari.”

Mobs on Earth marched today to protest the Systems Alliance’s decision to uphold President Huerta’s term. Over 1.5 million marched in Washington, D.C., 2 million in Mexico City, and 750,000 in Ottawa, many of them wielding lit torches and pitchforks as a retro political statement. Capitol police in D.C. took the bait, clashing with protestors who threw torches into their ranks. Fifteen protestors and three police were injured. “It was rough today, but I’m not worried,” said Sergeant Hathaway of the Capitol Police. “They seem like the kind of people who bring pitchforks to a gunfight.”

Earth’s politicians called for a stop to the rioting in the UNAS even as some of them praised the rebellious spirit of the protestors. Speaker of the House Lisa Ford toured the morning talk show circuit to make it clear that although she rejects the Systems Alliance decision, there seems little choice but to abide by it. “The people marching in the streets in my name are welcome to do so,” she says, “but we must categorically reject the violence that the Systems Alliance oppressors use.” Now that her day in court has come and gone, Ford admitted that there seem to be no other options.

Tags: Dr Samuel Wachhaus, Dr. Lin Shiyin, Earth Systems Alliance, Ford, Ford v. Huerta, Huerta, Lisa Ford, President Huerta, Samuel Wachhaus, Systems Alliance, United North American States